Crestina Pessola-Riggs Character in House of Prism | World Anvil
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Crestina Pessola-Riggs

Crestina, when a mercenary and still only a teenager, getting used to her whip sword and practising sending her Sorce power through the whip into the sharp end. A deadly killer from such a young age.   An Ex-merc and Sorce user that lives in the strips with her husband Jasarnus Riggs and their two boys: Cassius and Davor.   At eighteen and having just received her became the fastest Imperial to ascend the The Ganay Tree in a time still unbeaten two decades later.   At just nineteen, she became a merc, teaming up with her husband to build a formidable reputation as a fearsome merc that always completed a guild contract.   Her Sorce power is Water based providing the ability to strengthen her body to super-Lendorian levels. This Soul Force meant her fists were enough to defeat powerful enemies, but more agile contracts could escape her clutches.   She therefore became a master of her custom-made chain sword - purchased from the Wizard Guild. A weapon that could attack at close range with its deadly blade or be launched to entangle escaping foes.   When Davor; their first son, was born, Crestina and Jasarnus gave up the perils of merc life for the even more challenging parenting role.  
Crestina merc 2.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher
Crestina never needed to use the short-range sharpened blade, but it's long-range attacks proved essential in stopping her nippier Air-based enemies.    

For our interview, she told me she worked in the admin section of the Crown's agricultural department, but our handshake revealed the lie. If I write of Crestina's actual job here, then she and her family would be in grave danger. Even her family are unaware of her extra-curricular work activities. Just make sure to pay back your loans, or you might get a certain gorgeous, red-haired, muscular female come knocking.

Crestina Loves:Crestina Hates
Spending time with her boys Battle Balt
Her Husband The Queen's 819 laws banning women
Cracking the heads of males who think they can tell her what to do. Time (A weird choice and the same as what her neighbour Rody mentioned)
Seeing their house spider Bob blissfully swimming in his soup. (Not sure what to make of that image.) The stubbornness of her husband to continue being a balter
The gift the Queen gave Crestina The gift the Queen gave Crestina
(She wouldn't elaborate what the gift was - of course I read her mind and was shocked to see the truth and no I cannot reveal it here.)

Her biggest regret:

She shrugged her shoulders saying we all have regrets. Not making the same ones again is all that matters. I was tempted to delve deeper into her mind to see the truth, but her eyes revealed a traumatic experience that stopped me from intruding. Yes, as shocking as it may sound, I do have some ethics.    

Future goals:

To convince her husband to retire from Battle Balt and finally get a proper job.    

Final Thoughts:

I rather hoped to hear some salacious gossip about their meighbour and why Jasarnus hates him so much. I half expected that she'd had an affair with him, but no - Rody is a family friend and nothing more.   If Jasarnus had my abilities, he would immediately get over his jealousy issues, but since he doesn't, he will continue to see his neighbour as a threat. My senses tell me a violent reckoning between the two is approaching.   Many who meet Crestina become besotted by her sultry appearance, voluptuous figure, and confident demeanour. Even the chest scar she received during her merc days adds to her appeal. It is no wonder Rody has become infatuated by this vivacious young lady.
Crestina 1 dark back.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Crestina Pessola-Riggs Gallery

Another picture of Crestina when she was a mercenary.
(A special thanks goes to Claytus Tome for providing us a lifter book to help Rastamust draw Crestina's merc appearance).  
Crestina Merc 3.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher


Jasarnus Riggs


Towards Crestina Pessola-Riggs

Crestina Pessola-Riggs


Towards Jasarnus Riggs

Crestina, as she appears now, happily embedded in family life far removed from her merc days of swords and bandit killing  

Written by Ricardo Butler

Current Location
Jasarnus Riggs (spouse)
145 lbs

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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher
Character Portrait image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher


Author's Notes

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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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