Rody Character in House of Prism | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


After speaking to Jasarnus Riggs and feeling his hatred towards his neighbour Rody, I couldn't resist but speak to the man directly and find out what all the fuss was about.    On seeing him, I had the distinct feeling I had met him before, but nothing came to mind. He also refused to let me touch him and only accepted my hand once he put on a pair of fancy-looking silk gloves. He must be one of those rare Imperials who reads my articles and knows about my abilities. So, what is he hiding?   He claimed his job was a collector of unique artefacts that he bought and sold to make essence coin profit. He opened his purse and showed me it was full to the brim with nuggets. He said I could take one if I promised to write an honest profile of our discussion. I snatched up a coin because I only ever write honest reviews. I still don't understand what he was insinuating, but I didn't care for I'd earned myself a full coin.   Before I'd even begun my questions, he handed me a piece of paper and walked away. He'd written his answers to all the questions I had planned to ask him. I have no idea how he knew my questions, but I made a promise so here are his responses and it is a bland list - hardly worth writing down - so don't get too excited.


Rody LovesRody Hates
Choosing his own destiny. People that change their mind from one moment to the next.
His neighbour's boys (I presume he means Jasarnus's boys) Seeing his neighbour's wife unhappy (Sounds creepy to me but this is what he wrote - I guess this also relates to Jasarnus Riggs).
Seeing the consequence of his actions (Another strange answer that makes no sense). People that don't do what they're supposed to.
His watcher (I have no idea what a 'watcher' is) Fear of getting caught (Caught from what?)
Dealing with the effects of one's actions. The intractability of Time (Just weird!).
Stopping people from making the same mistake again. I see people making the same mistake repeatedly.


Final Words:

  So, there you have it. A weird man who brings more questions than answers. I still don't understand the cause of Jasarnus Riggs intense hatred towards Rody, who seemed harmless enough. Quirky and pretentious yes, but not a man who deserves his head ripped off - even if that man does show a little too much interest in your family.   I hope you don't find this article wasted your time; at least feel happy for me that I now have the essence to purchase a few days' worth of Greggle.
Rody portrait.png
by Rastamust the Vanquisher

Written by Ricardo Butler

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Appears around 30
Around 5ft 8"
Approximately 140lbs

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by Adam Neve-Dunn

Cover image: by Rastamust the Vanquisher


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by Adam Neve-Dunn
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