Sorrow Jellyfish

The Sorrow Jellyfish is the name commonly used to identify several species of venomous jellyfish that are common in the warm seas of Hislariya.  
Please, they've been screaming for the past day, I would have done it myself if we were farther from here.
— the Ferret's Captain
They are medium sized Jellyfish, with a bell between 5 and 10 cm of diameter and tentacles up to 1m long. The tentacles can shoot stingers in their victims when they enter in contact with the skin and the venom ejected can cause a syndrome with permanent sequelae and often fatal outcomes.   The jellyfish possess 10 tentacles arranged around its bell and 4 fleshy oral arms that stem from its center. The tentacles are lined with stingers that contain the neurotoxins and proteins responsible for the symptoms. Only the adult jellyfish contain the venom, the polyps stages can be handled safely and are harvested in some cultures for a bright red pigment used as tattoo ink.  
CW:The following section contains a description of the physical and mental effects of severe envenomation. Proceed with caution.

Sorrow syndrome

Go to sleep, you kept watch on them for two days, it's my turn now.
— Sonqui
  The sting of these jellyfish causes a combination of symptoms collectively known as Sorrow syndrome.  

First stage symptoms

At the moment of contact, the whole body is hit by the effect of something similar to an electric shock. In some cases, this is enough to cause a cardiac arrest or a temporary paralysis and consequent drowning.   In the first stage of the syndrome, the affected area is hit by severe, burning pain and the skin starts to swell and blister with lesions similar to a severe burn. This stage alone lasts for 5-30 minutes.  

Second stage symptoms

  After this initial period, part of the neurotoxin penetrates the nerve terminations of the affected area causing the constant firing of the pain and sensory synapses until the nerve termination is exhausted.   In addition, some of the neurotoxins can filter in the general system causing generalized panic and hallucinations. This stage is characterized by intense, constant pain in the affected area and can last several days. The combination of the constant pain and the hallucination causes most of the people affected to attempt self harm and the majority of fatalities caused by the jellyfish are due to the consequences of it.


  A young pirate whose life has been overturned by a disabling accident at sea. They owe their sanity to the attentive cures of Yarik and Danyia and sworn to repay them by helping in the shop as best as they can.  
Character | Dec 1, 2022

Lasting sequelae of the envenomation

There's plenty of maimed pirates, Sir. The sea is not a safe way of life, I knew it from the start.
— Tarvan
  The survivors of the Sorrow syndrome very rarely get away without severe lasting effects. The skin burns caused by the acidic proteins usually only heal leaving deep scarring in the lesioned part.   In addition to this, the exhaustion the neurotoxin causes to the nerves has long lasting or permanent effects, commonly with complete loss of sensibility and function in the affected area.   More difficult is to define the psychological effects of such a traumatic experience, as they vary case by case, but they are always significant.

Cover image: by Thom Milkovic


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Dec 6, 2021 19:11 by Morgan Biscup

Poor Tarvan! I just want to give all the hugs.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Dec 8, 2021 19:22 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Great jellyfish! I love all those biological details about the symptoms, and that you've included severe lasting effects afterwards. when poison/venoms/neurotoxins deals a lot of damage, surviving is great but people often forget that you're not going to miraculously heal everything...   You dealt with the CW well here I think. And I think this could go either as species or condition but I would personally leave it as species.

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Jan 6, 2022 17:01 by Dani

It's all nice and aligned, so it's good where it is :D If you wanted, you could split into two: one for the jelly and one for the syndrome, to look up and cross reference later. As it is though, it's a terrific overview on all things Sorrow Jelly, and they are perfectly terrifying and horrible. :D I feel so very sorry for Tarvan, and for all the sailors who might have suffered an encounter with one!

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Jan 31, 2022 22:01 by Tris (necromancertris)

I like how well-ballanced the article is and not too overwhelming for a non-biology person such as myself xD I don't really think you need to move the Sorrow syndrome into its separate article - this as a whole works very well. If in the future you decide to expand on either of those, jellyfish or the condition, then yes I would be all for splitting it, but the way it is now, I would just keep it as it is.   You weaved in here not only details of the species and the condition but also the snippets of the characters' stories - the article works as a good "meeting point" for all these and it flows naturally. If you split it, I think it would kinda be too scattered just for some organisational satisfaction, that wouldn't really bring much benefits seeing as there is not that much information about this topic to warrant having more articles about it.   I am not sure I am explaining myself well here, overall I just really like this article and it was a nice little snippet of life in this world :)

Feb 1, 2022 10:32 by Simo

Awww thanks Tris! Yes, that's pretty much my thought. I like the balance it has now, but a little part of my brain that has my mum's voice says "But there is a box to put this stuff in and you mixed everyting up". The human obsession of shoving everything in neat boxes that is the source of most of my pains :P Thanks for helping me shut the goblins up <3