Mar. Owendolyn's Embrace of Penchester Building / Landmark in Hastened Delight | World Anvil

Mar. Owendolyn's Embrace of Penchester

Marrer Owendolyn's Embrace of Penchester is the largest embrace in the Empire, capable of accommodating 1'024 patients and 682 members of staff.
Like most other embraces it accommodates all manner of citizens unable to care for themselves, including but not limited to orphans, the severely ill and frail as well as the possessed, including equipment for emergency treatments.

Purpose / Function

Originally known as the primary residence of the House of Downlow since it's appropriation from the Downlow's by the Crown at the turn of the era it has been used as a building for public care.
Although it was at first only used for keeping the possessed separate from the public (to prevent the imperceptible miasma from reaching the public in the understanding of the time), as the understanding of medicines and their practice became better understood Mar. Owendolyn's broadened its scope of patients, currently divided into four drakes with four wings each.


While this may appear to be pure philanthropy at first, the late King Edward recognised the socioeconomic benefits of protecting these people from society (and vice-versa) and working towards re-integrating them into society as better individuals. Having a controlled, low-cost and high-efficiency environment, as opposed to having these people burden struggling family members and the likes, has resulted in improved quality of life and is believed to have improved the economy.


The central structure, a castle in the Regal style, is very typical for the period and was extended and fortified gradually, with the inner walls gradually being replaced by lavish courtyards.
With the repurposing of the residence as a place to keep the possessed much of the interior decoration was documented evaluated and either stored or sold, but little was changed on the architecture.
As Mar. Owendolyn's facilities grew, various additional buildings in more modern, cast-iron styles with large glass windows were constructed to accommodate the special needs and increase the comfort of various patients.
Although the possessed were in the original building at first, half of the infant drake is now positioned there since the children seem less disturbed by the castle's history.
It's location in the lush greens of the Downlow Estate Park District make it a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of life in Penchester.
In it's current state the embrace is capable of accommodating 1'024 patients and 682 armists and other members of staff, such as cooks, engineers, medical specialists and administrators.
In the unlikely case of a temporary acquisition of the building complex by the Order of Imperial Custodians it would be classified as a Class 4 medical installation.


The complex is split into 16 wings split into four drakes, although the structures have been designed for dynamic adjustment of patient capacity across wings should the need arise.
These wings are divided into four drakes and currently designated as follows:
  1. Infant drake: Wetnursery (infants with underdeveloped denture)
  2. Infant drake: Drynursery (pre-pubescent children)
  3. Infant drake: Primary (pubescing children)
  4. Infant drake: Maturuary (young adults not yet prepared for reintegration)
  5. Ailing drake: Emergence and intensity ward
  6. Ailing drake: Observation ward
  7. Ailing drake: Recovery ward
  8. Ailing drake: Climatisation ward
  9. Possessed drake: Restrainment and isolatory ward
  10. Possessed drake: Vigil ward
  11. Possessed drake: Speculation ward
  12. Possessed drake: Social ward
  13. - 16. Wisened drake: Village retreat
It should be noted that there is much visiting between the infant and wisened drakes and that there is regular, supervised interaction between the wards to improve empathy and instill a degree of contentment.
Contact with the outside world is encouraged for many of the patients, so visitors are fairly common and may arrive hitching a ride via the daily goods delivery carts and stay for up to a night a week in the village retreat. Furthermore part of the central structure contains administrative buildings and a small stage for Draccels, out of sight of, but still easily accessible from, the four drakes.
Meals and laundry are prepared in the cellars of the castle, which is where the central furnace is located.


Mar. Owendolyn's is, unlike many other embraces, partially self-sustaining, with fresh water and power provided by the Sylvest River, food from the therapeutic gardens and a small amount of Motions through the sales of handmade products, such as wicker baskets, wooden figures and wollen clothes, generously donated by the patients.
In winter heavy curtains are hung by the windows to keep the heat from escaping, though the shy sunlight does warm the modern huts, and many layers of clothes are worn.
Various parts of the embrace are supplied by buckets of water and stones that are heated by the central furnace, which is fueled on dried plant, food and human waste (which can give the air a hint of a stench in inclement weather) and wood from the nearby forests.
In addition the the main driveway that leads the the heart of the complex, there is also a special track from the Metropolitan Line that stops nearby in a place sheltered by trees, to reduce noise and provide privacy.
The emergence and intensity ward is equipped with the most current of instruments and medicines since transport outside the Park District may not be available.
Founding Date
274 BE (converted to an embrace in 0 EE)
Alternative Names
Old Downlow's; Dolly's Hug, the Nuthouse
Owning Organization

Cover image: by A Lambent Eye


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Jul 3, 2021 07:43 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice article :D Are the patients free to leave when they want or are they "imprisoned" inside?

Jul 3, 2021 11:35

An excellent point! Once you're in, you'll only get out with approval by multiple two-coloured armists (each at least four years in service). To get in, you may request entry (for yourself or another, which is then evaluated by authorities for validity), or be assigned by the government (in which case it is mandatory). As long as you stay within your confined area there are no further restrictions, so people aren't particularly isolated and some even run their businesses via post if they're recovering from a malady.