Sea Side Church Building / Landmark in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Sea Side Church

Sea Side church is one of many churches within the city of Corio.  The city itself has dedicated at least one church to every heavily populated district.  Sea Side's is a fairly opulent, albeit smallish, church. Inside are small altars dedicated to each of the seven recognized gods by the church.  Special services are dedicated to baptism, funeral rites, and blessings for the sailors of Sea Side.  As such, Aquillia'Dante, the God of the Sea is usually the most visited deity here.

Purpose / Function

The primary service among the Sea Side church is caring for the residents of the District.  Healing, blessings, weddings, atonements - all of these things are offered by the priestess and her acolytes here.


The temple itself is constructed of white stone common to the buildingscape of Corio but is highlighted with imported ironwood from the Kielden Forest.  The layout if opened to the elements and to the people in the outer foyer with an enclosed inner sanctum for the altars.
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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