Priest or Priestess Rank/Title in Halruaal | World Anvil
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Priest or Priestess

A priest (or priestess) is someone who has taken their vows within the Church of the Seven. They have at least some power and a modicum of responsibility wherever they are posted, whether is is within a village parish, a town church, or the Grand Cathedral. Apart from an Acolyte, priest make up the majority of the clergy and faithful within the Church's hierarchy. 


Administration of rites, leading  sermons, and doing whatever else is needed of them within The Church.


They are usually given responsibility to watch over a number of acolytes and can become quite popular within the community they serve.


The church houses them, feeds them, and provides for their well being
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Father, Mother, or Teacher
Source of Authority
The Seven through the Most Holy
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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