Loanua Geographic Location in Halika | World Anvil
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440 miles from the nearest major port in Garadel, Loanua has spent most of its history in blissful isolation. The Gods blessed this island with unique gifts, most notably the Meako  or Birdkeepers. Young folk who bond with one of the island's mega-avians (giant eagles and flightless moa birds, both larger than horses) not only acquire the friendship of their chosen bird, but are granted magical abilities. These Meako can survive in the wild, create food, pacify wildlife, and cast small numbers of magical spells. Thanks to their efforts, the Loanuan tribes have been at peace with the giant birds they share the island with. The additional food and magical support have led to more support and safety for Loanuan tribes during bad climatic years, and the emphasis on cooperation with nature led to a more harmonious relationship with the environment.   Explorers and merchants were welcomed, and while Loanua has its share of warfare and bad times it was comparatively idyllic. But the massive magical fauna and untapped resources of the island drew outside threats, which the divided Meako struggled to repel. Outside invasions from 900ME to 2000ME have left deep wounds on the people here. The past may have been flawed, but the present has left it seeming like a paradise lost.   Life in Loanua is not the worst in the world of course. The Eastern kingdoms bustle with trade, having recently undergone Selkie conquest and recovered rather nicely. Peace between them and the Western bird kingdoms is fragile but holding. Tribal life in the interior has returned to the old ways, as dozens of tribes move seasonally across the island.   Ponies, goats, sheep, and buffalo roam the grassy plains, watching the skies and horizon for signs of mega-avian predators. Lush forests sweep across the island, fading occasionally into arid shrubby hills. The Northern coast is lined with particularly humid forest with frequent marshlands.


The bottom half of Loanua is 162.16 miles West-East and 87 miles North-South; the top half is 100.8 miles by 73 miles. The square footage of the mileage slightly below that of West Virginia.


  • Loanua
  • Loanua Politics
Alternative Name(s)
The Island of Birds
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