Tieflings Species in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Tieflings are a relatively young race, and are still often quite misunderstood. They came into existence as an apparent side effect of The Sundering, some 2,000 years ago. At that time, they were strictly born from human parents, and were seen as an evil omen, at best, a devil's curse at worst.   Often the parents were cast out of their communities after birthing a Tiefling, as their neighbors thought them to have consorted with dark and demonic forces.   Other times, more tragically, the parents reject their own children, orphaning them... or even murdering them.   Now we live in an age where Tieflings may be born (second generation and beyond) from other Tiefling parents. This is the primary source of their population boom. However the "cursed births" are still a somewhat regular occurrence, and sadly, the Tiefling children born in this manner are still typically persecuted.   As tieflings are related to fiends, if you possess their true name, you have power or dominion over them. Thus, for safety, they mostly use chosen names.  
Tiefling polemaster
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
This young race was born into existence after The Sundering, when seemingly random human parents were "cursed" with fiendish offspring, some say as a punishment from the gods.
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