Halflings Species in Gothenya | World Anvil
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Halflings ("Burrow Folk", "The Nimble", "The Children")   On the surface, halflings of Terra Gothenya seem rather familiar to those who know of hobbits or similar beings. It's the surface, however, where these similarities begin and end.   Halflings are a nomadic race of "burrow folk" who can make their homes anywhere the soil is fertile and soft. They are, as a species, stricken with wanderlust that drives them from whatever place they originally called home, roughly by their teenage years. This is a rite of passage that, if it's not undertook, brings odd looks from others of their people.   As a species, they do not produce anything or establish major colonies, which leads others to often think of them as leeches upon society. But where they lack in industry they make up for with ingenuity. Especially in the arts. Halflings rate amongst the best musicians, actors and overall performers in all the land. People come from far and wide to see some of the more famous of their kin perform at various live venues, and some magic items have even been invented simply to house recordings of their works.   Outside of art, halflings are also naturally talented at something a bit more notorious. They are almost preternaturally gifted at thievery and the roguish arts. This deadly combination of performance and theft, along with their nomadic ways, leads many to think of halflings as gypsies of sorts (in the pejorative sense more than culturally), and in some wealthier towns or sections of cities, they are not readily welcome. When a halfling gains fame for his or her artistic talents, he or she needs to spend a good deal of time fighting against the stereotype that all halflings are thieves.   Despite this, they are a generally jovial people who love to laugh and drink, and as stated before, a halfling will drink anything at anytime. They're way too good at holding their liquor, and only a fool plays drinking games for money with a halfling.   Halflings can be found adventuring for a wide variety of reasons. The younger ones, typically go on their walkabouts due to wanderlust. Older tend to be traveling performers (and/or thieves) or artifact hunters.   Halflings are not a "divine" or "original" race, meaning they were not engineered by the gods. Rather, they came about through the mating of fey creatures with the human stock of Gothenya. Though their fey roots are lost to time, they do not claim affiliation with any human bloodline either.   PC halflings follow the regular rules within the Player's Handbook.  

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Halflings reach adulthood at approximately the same time as humans, however they maintain their childlike appearance throughout their entire lives. Even elderly halflings essentially look like children.
Halfling Sorcerer
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Descendants of both fey and human ancestors.
150 to 200 years
Average Height
3 feet tall
Average Weight
40 pounds
Related Myths

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