Davu Pa'lakh (dah-vew pah-lŏk)

Are we done here?
— Davu Pa'lakh

Key Points

  • Member of Vath'azen's ruling council
  • Grim Grand Marshall of Vath
  • Noble swordsman of Tembryan


Since the Vyrian Seccession from Vath'azen resulted in the formation of the Kingdom of Sanysgal some twenty years ago, many Vyr families were torn apart. The dilemma before them: Remain loyal to the vision of the Vath, or forge a new path and potentially be ostracized by your relatives? It was a difficult choice, to be seen as a traitor to your people, and untrusted by your neighbors. Yet Davu's family chose to stay in Vath and inherited vast lands vacated by other Vyr migrating South.   This sense of duty was deeply ingrained in Davu's noble upbringing. He demonstrated a natural aptitude and preference for the martial aspects of his teaching over academics. This physical training served to aid him in standing up for himself, and the causes in which he believed, when faced with general disdain and judgement he received from those around him, but left him with a sullen personality.   With his handsome features, sharp mind, natural leadership skills, and focused ferocity on the battlefield, Davu rose quickly through the ranks of the military. And even though he was a natural choice for the role of Grand Marshall, there were still many who balked at turning command of the military over to "an untrustworthy Vyr," considering only a matter a time before he followed suit with his extended kin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Davu keeps himself in exceptional physical conditioning at all times.

Personality Characteristics


Restore Honor to the Vyr

Davu is sentimental about the future of Vyr and wants to see his people reunited under a single king. He believes it was a selfish and short-sighted decision for the Vyr to secede from Vath. He wants to prove the world wrong about the Vyr, and strives to walk a path that is unquestionably above board and without reproach.  

The Favor of Tembryan

He lives to hone his mastery of his dual sword fighting style and never hesitates an opportunity to test his skills, which honors the devotion oft sought after by followers of Tembryan.

Likes & Dislikes


To be alone in the crowd. Davu loves to hide in plain sight, walking cloaked shoulder to shoulder in the faceless masses of the trade district. While he takes his role as Grand Marshall very seriously, he revels in moments to himself where he takes every opportunity to test his strength, speed, and stamina. He loves racing horses and enjoys studying writings, drawings, and teachings surrounding different fighting styles and weapon techniques.  


With his almost obsessive focus on physical fitness, Davu scorns laziness and finds those who fail to care for themselves detestable. He dislikes people that are overly emotional and while he understands its necessity, he will generally avoids the pomp and circumstance of the court unless absolutely necessary.

Personality Quirks

Davu is morose and sullen, with a jaded, sarcastic view of the world. He has a dark humor and a devious, strategic mind which rivals his fellow councilmate Jenta.


Davu Pa'lakh

is part of the small council (Vital)

Towards Ga'jam Ch'luun



Ga'jam Ch'luun

ruler (Vital)

Towards Davu Pa'lakh



Davu Pa'lakh

small council peer (Trivial)

Towards Chodvar Taibil



Chodvar Taibil

small council peer (Important)

Towards Davu Pa'lakh



Davu Pa'lakh

small council peer (Important)

Towards Jenta Hua'zur



Jenta Hua'zur

small council peer (Important)

Towards Davu Pa'lakh



Yahri Negdahe

small council peer (Important)

Towards Davu Pa'lakh



Davu Pa'lakh

small council peer (Trivial)

Towards Yahri Negdahe



Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grand Marshall
Follower of Tembryan
Aligned Organization

Ironsworn Stats  
Show spoiler
Iron: 3
Shadow: 1
Edge: 2
Heart: 2
Wits: 1

Health: 4
Spirit: 5
Supply: 4
Momentum: 6

Asset: Devotant II
  • Say daily prayers. Secure an Advantage (+iron). +1 momentum.
  • Swear an Iron Vow (+iron): reroll any dice
  • Fulfill an Iron Vow: +1 XP

  • Asset: Duelist III
  • +2 to Clash/Strike. +1 harm to strong hit. Weak hit is a miss.
  • (1x/fight) Secure an Advantage (+edge). Display combat prowess. Reroll any dice.
  • Draw the Circle (choose 1): +2 or +2M on hit.

  • Asset: Horse II (Sa'vaad)
  • Swift: Face danger (+edge)/Undertake Journey +1
  • Fearless: Enter the Fray/Secure Advantage (+heart) +1/+1M on hit
  • Health: o o o o x
    Legacy Tracks
  • Quests X o o o o o o o o o
  • Bonds o o o o o o o o o o
  • Discoveries o o o o o o o o o o

  • Vow: Locate Tashkerr (Troublesome)
  • Progress: 3/10

  • Conx: Lady Miahn
  • Role: Connected Arjeev Lady of Stoverj
  • Rank: Formidable
  • Progress X o o o o o o o o o
  • Conx: Captain Haruchi
  • Role: Captain of the King's Guard
  • Rank: Troublesome
  • Know each other well.
  • Progress X X X o o o o o o o

  • Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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