Netherspan Geographic Location in Gears of Chronan | World Anvil


The network of underground tunnels and caves that spreads below The Skyward Peaks and beyond is commonly known as Netherspan. It includes the ancient and independent cities of mountain dwarves, drow elves and deep gnomes that were mostly spared when The Fellstar struck the world. The nations of the Netherspan are not part of the Eight States of Chronan, but have lately formed business relations with The Order.   Netherspan has three major exits known as Nethergates east of Copperhaven, north of Magnapolis and in the mountainside city of Aerdale near Reignstone.   The nations of Netherspan are in general ruled by the three Deep Presidents, although there are individual communities that have defied their rule, like the recluse duergar tribes for example. New Deep Presidents are elected every 120 years, or when one of them dies. Each president represents the will of one of the three major species living in Netherspan, although they rule jointly. The different communities have their own customs and beliefs, but an influential cult of the demonic Spider Queen has spread throughout the Netherspan, challenging the rule of the Deep Presidents.   Outside of the cities, Netherspan is a brutal place to live in. Besides the natural hazards like cave-ins and bottomless chasms, outlandish aberrations thrive in the eternal darkness, including the psionic Mindflayers and the tyrannic Beholders. It is theorized that deep inside the core of the world there are portals to other realms and planes, explaining the strange inhabitants of the subterranean. Only the surface-most tunnels are mapped, so despite the dangers, Netherspan attracts many explorers and adventurers.
Cave System


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