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House of the Triad

Bryn Shander's largest place of worship, the only one that truly deserves to be called a temple. An impressive edifice built by the dwarves of Kelvin’s Cairn, the temple stands about halfway between the southwest gate and the central market.   This impressive temple is made of smooth marble covered by a steep slate roof. Three corner towers rise 80 feet high, each emblazoned by a single large holy symbol representing Ilmater, Torm, or Tyr. The 15-foot-tall double doors open into a large prayer room, with murals decorating the pillars and walls. Three simple but beautifully made statues depicting the gods of the temple stand in the back. Three entrances lead to annexes, over which rise the temple‘s towers. The high priest of each god has a room atop one of the towers when in residence.   Ilmater’s annex stores medical supplies to treat the wounded and a door leading to the small outside garden.   Torm’s annex contains barrack-like rooms, an armory, and a direct connection to the stable.   Tyr’s annex offers an elaborate library used by the monks and priests of the   Tyr is said to be dead, though he still has a handful of followers in town, and the holy days most commonly celebrated in the temple are those of Ilmater. The promise of divine aid for those who endure suffering appeals to the people of Ten-Towns, and visitors from other towns often stop in the House of the Triad before going about their other business   The temple is attended and maintained by visiting priests and acolytes from Neverwinter and Waterdeep, who usually stay for no more than two years before returning whence they came.   At present, the temple is home to a Paladin of Torm from Neverwinter named Pieter Hawklight, an acolyte named Johann Skegg, a local from Bryn Shander and Pieter's new apprentice Crudark.   Crudark is a goliath that showed up at the temple claiming to be from Targos and seeking sancuary. He quickly came to appreciate Torm's mantra, espousing courage and heroism above all and began training with Commander Hawklight. He has proven to be a quick study in both his martial training and finding favor from Torm.   Dain Ironfist, a visiting acolyte of Moradin from the nearby Dwarven Valley has recently arrived to support the people of Ten-Towns and the temple.   Aside from several servants, a halfling street urchin named Laughtlin Nimblemound has been seeking shelter from the enternal winter here.   Several other individuals have also been frequenting the library here containing the histories of Icewind Dale.
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