The Subtle Solution Building / Landmark in Frozen North | World Anvil
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The Subtle Solution

Esoterics and poisons   Unlike most businesses in Bryn Shander, this store is located at the edge of the town, hidden in a little-used alleyway. One of the first things visitors notice is the strong scent of cinnamon when they enter. The pale violet tiefling Nowhere runs this store. Nowhere often seems absentminded during conversations as she gets easily distracted.   Nowhere sells esoteric oils, incense, powders, candles, amulets, and homeopathic medicine. She describes all the wondrous effects and the correct way to use her wares to customers with a smile, suggesting they end neck pain, keep one warm during the coldest of nights, ward off evil, act as lucky charms, and so on. Once per day, as an action, a character can use one of these items for a chance to gain inspiration for the next 24 hours. A given item has a percentage change of providing inspiration equal to its gp cost. For example, a character performing the correct rite with their 10 gp lucky charm has a 10 percent chance of gaining inspiration due to their belief in the item.   In addition to her esoteric store, she sells poisons, a fact known only to people in shady circles.
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