Qurikancha Building / Landmark in Four Quadrants | World Anvil
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by hughpierre

Purpose / Function

Qurikancha is built in perfect alignment with stellar and planetary motion to honor the Sun God: Inti.


Twin Towers

A pair of towers, mark the summer solstice, where astronomical observations are taken from the sacred ushnu stone against man-made and natural landmarks on the horizon to track the sun.


Sun Layout

When seen from the top-down, the building is laid out like the sun with rays shining out in all directions.   These are the 41 sacred ceque lines - physical and cosmic roads - that lead to 328 sacred sites throughout Four Corners.

Sensory & Appearance

Trapezoid Openings

Trapezoid doorways and windows allow for light to enter the interior spaces with a broad band of gold being added at the mid-way height around the walls to further reflect gold light.


Priests and Priestesses

Living quarters are available for high priests and noble novices to live at the expense of the celestial bureaucracy.


Sacrificial victims are made ready for their moment in the precinct's courtyard and then marched along the ceque lines to be sacrificed in the various provinces in honour of Inti and his living incarnation.

Contents & Furnishings

Metal Garden

Everything in the garden is made of gold and silver. A large field of corn and life-size models of herders, llamas, jaguars, guinea pigs, monkeys, birds, butterflies and other insects are all crafted from precious metals and studded in precious jewels.


The mummified remains of former emperors and their wives (mallquis) are dressed in fine clothes and brought out of storage during special ceremonies such as those celebrating the solstices.

Sun Mask

A giant mask with zig-zag rays bursting from the head is hung from the wall of a specially dedicated chamber within the temple.



A gold statue of the Sun God, as a seated small boy, encrusted with jewels. He wears a royal headband with snakes and lions coming out of his body. The stomach of the statue is hollow and used to store the ashes of the vital organs of previous rulers. This statue is brought into the open air everyday and returned to its shrine each night.  


Art and religious treasuries are stuffed in specifically designed room taken from conquered peoples. These are kept in order to guarantee compliance to Tawantinsuyu rule, just as conquered rulers are sometimes held hostage at Ca-Chisneu for periods of the year.

Special Properties

Siq'i Ritual Pathways

Siq'i lines originate at the Qurikancha and travel in relatively straight pathways. Hayaqiago, Giantsfall, the Neverending Forest and Chinkapun encircle Tahuantinsuyo and mark where the roads formal end. The wak'a's location dictates the path of the siq'i line, and hence the road. They are constructed as straight as can be and are normally segmented such that the paths frequently curve or zigzag.  
Ceque lines mark where the divine winds intersect with the terrain and thus where knottery devices are able to 'turn natural energy' and produce their magical effects.
  It is only on, or near, these pathways where Innoit magic works. The pathfinders put a lot of effort into tracking and mapping the siq'i lines of the world so their armies' travel is the most protected.


Regular Masonry

The complex's massive walls are built from large stone blocks that were finely cut and fitted together without mortar. Most walls also leaned slightly inwards as they rise in height, giving a form and elegance that is notable for Innoit. The large curved western wall, in particular, gives the impression that it was made using the pillow method.


Golden Enclosure

A parabolic wall of the finest stonework and covered in gold. It symbolically surrounds the innoit cosmovision via four temples surrounding a central plaza: one dedicated to Inti (the sun), Killa (the moon), Chasca (the stars) and Illapa (thunder). Another plaza extends westward from the complex where a small shrine is dedicated to Viracocha (creation).

Alternative Names
  • House of the Sun
  • Golden Temple
  • Coricancha
  • Koricancha
  • Qoricancha
  • Intikancha
  • Intiwasi
  • Type
    Cathedral / Great temple
    Parent Location
    Included Locations
    Environmental Effects
    Qurikancha is built at the tailbone of the Jaguar.
    Connected Rooms
    Owning Organization
    Related Tradition (Primary)
    Related Traditions
    Capacocha Ceremony
    Tradition / Ritual | Jan 6, 2024


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