Moth Fairies of T@Ö#Ä3 Ethnicity in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Moth Fairies of T@Ö#Ä3

What are they?

Moth fairies are a type of a fairiy that can mainly only be found in T@Ö#Å3. While Å+*4~ has abundance of sunlight, plants and parks, T@Ö#Ä3 is a much darker and harsher place not very kind to butterfly beings such as fairies. So, the fairies that live here today have over time adapted to become more dark and harsh themselves.

History of fairies in T@Ö#Ä3

History of fairies in T@Ö#Ä3 is pretty complicated. After the apocalypse, when people just came back out to the surface, the world was quite different. Only small communities of people were scattered around the surface, and Glitter God put his own fairies around the world more or less equally. But with the way the world was set up, T@Ö#Ä3 pretty quickly started become a little bit weird and sketchy. Dark weather and harsh wasteland climate wasn’t very pleasant and hospitable to butterfly fairies so many of them started leaving. At that point Glitter God started experimenting with creating moth fairies, better adapted to the dark and unkind environment, but it may have been too late.

T@Ö#Ä3 was always run primarily by Satan and it showed. It wasn’t dark only because of the lack of any proper sun here, it was also because Satan, with the help of the black kings that led this part of the world at the time, encouraged and enabled all kinds of weird and sketchy behaviors in this part of the world. That led fairies to want to leave even more, which led to people here believing that Glitter God has forsaken them, which led to them starting to treat the remaining fairies badly, which led to even more of them leaving, until Glitter God himself gave up and let Satan take over this part of the world all on his own and do whatever he wanted.

Today there still are some fairies here and butterfly fairies still get their share of respect, but moth fairies are a different story. They were designed to fit into this world better than butterfly fairies, but that meant they soon became even weirder and sketchier than other people here. They became erratic, unpredictable and violent, turning even against Glitter God himself. They gained the reputation of being untrustworthy and dangerous which led into another self fulfilling prophecy of people starting to treat them badly, and the moth fairies being forced to turn into exactly what others were afraid of. Satan’s followers blamed the moth fairies for Glitter God forsaking them, and Glitter God’s followers blamed them for turning against Glitter God. Moth fairies found their niche among freaks and other outcasts of this world, though even those never fully trusted them. Who knows what the fairies who would even turn against Glitter God himself were capable of. And so, fairies went from the well respected divine servants of Glitter God to the most hated minority that the moth fairies were.

How are moth fairies treated in T@Ö#Ä3?

Both fairies and moth fairies have been treated differently throughout history. While fairies used to be highly respected even in T@Ö#Ä3, and still are today, moth fairies were distrusted from the very beginning. They came at a time where people of T@Ö#Ä3 have already lost a fair amount of trust in Glitter God himself, and seeing how unpredictable moth fairies could be, people would try to avoid them and shut them out from the start. Moth fairies found their place among freaks and outcasts, drug addicts and criminals, and so people always thought of them as such. And they weren’t entirely wrong to be honest. Though created by Glitter God to serve him, they soon ended up forsaking him and turned to life of shady activities. At this point even butterfly fairies wouldn’t trust them anymore and it became impossible for them to get work in a temple, herbal garden or at any other honest place. On the other hand, with their talent for herbalism and medicine they very easily turned to making drugs.

Today it’s a widely accepted fact all moth fairies are drug dealers and drug addicts and though this kind of stuff is more accepted in T@Ö#Ä3, especially East T@Ö#Ä3, no one is very happy for having to deal with them. It might not have been that bad, but now Satan’s priests and even butterfly fairies are warning the public about dangers of dealing with moth fairies. It might come as a surprise, but at this point moth fairies are much more accepted in Å+*4~ and many are leaving T@Ö#Ä3 because of it but most aren’t ready to move so far away. And if they did, Å+*4~ would probably start having a problem with so many moth fairies living there anyway.


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