The Holy Satan Character in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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The Holy Satan

Pretty much everyone in our world that you ask will agree that Satan is the darkest entity in our world. Oh, he has his followers, but even most of them follow him because they’re up to no good, just like Satan himself. Others follow him because they hope Satan will be nicer to them if he sees they worship him. This doesn’t always work though. But it’s not only people of his world Satan likes to mess with.

Satan before Flat Earth

Ever since the beginning of his existence, even before Flat Earth, Satan liked to joke around and prank other gods he lives with in our multiverse. Because of this, he wasn’t very well liked among gods and they tried to avoid having to deal with him. However, there was one god that didn’t dislike Satan - Glitter God. Glitter God seemed to have been more forgiving than other gods, but honestly he also had fun watching Satan’s antics. Unlike other gods, Satan’s pranks never worked really well on Glitter God, he always seemed to have a comeback ready and he always thought it was funny when Satan joked around with other gods. It was probably because of this why Satan grew to like and respect Glitter God. They seemed to get along perfectly, and honestly, Satan liked to have at least someone who actually liked him.

Glitter God and Flat Earth

This was fine for a while, but as gods, they should really have a world of their own to manage - everyone else had one, but Glitter God and Satan were seen as weirdos who were always up to /something/, but it was never anything good.

This was until one of the other gods decided to destroy his world. In an apocalyptic event, that world got shattered into pieces, and this was time for Glitter God and Satan to swoop in. They salvaged what they could and finally created a world of their own - the Flat Earth we all live in today.

When Glitter God and Satan started creating their world, their competitiveness and their differences started to show more and more. Finally, they agreed that each of them will take one part of the world and so Satan took the bottom part of the flat world. While Glitter God was busy creating a beautiful and diverse world, Satan had a different idea.

In his half of the world he was creating everything strange, creepy and nefarious. He created a land of freaky creatures, absurd natural phenomenons and most importantly, unsavory characters. Here Satan welcomes all that are like him - up to no good. With the help of Black Kings who ruled this land, all sorts of criminals, freaks and even artificial people have found a home where they belong here.

Be afraid P_P

All of this might make you think that Satan would treat all of these people well, but you’d be wrong. Satan just likes to see people suffer no matter who they are. He is in charge of punishing people, and he will gladly punish anyone for their sins. He might be seen as a villainous entity, but he does have standards. He is, after all, also a god who can work by his own rules and doesn’t have to answer to the foolish mortals. It’s because of this why people are generally a little bit afraid of him, you never know what he might do - he could order you to kill someone one day, and then punish you for it the next day. Or, if he is in a good mood, he might defend you in front of Glitter God, who is less forgiving towards people’s sins. In any case, you’re probably better off moving to Ä+*4˜, worshipping glitter god, and live a quiet god-honoring life.



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