Well of Dragons Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil

Well of Dragons

The Well of Dragons is a large fortress and temple complex formerly controlled by the Cult of the Dragon in service of Tiamat, now occupied by the Lords' Alliance and monitored by several metallic dragons. It is constructed within a dormant volcano that once served as a draconic graveyard. Originally, the structure was constructed by the Cult of the Dragon in order to facilitate the transformation of dragons into dracoliches, but was later converted into a temple to Tiamat.


Exactly who discovered the dragon graveyard upon which the Well is built is up for debate. Some attribute the discovery to the Western Heartlands cell of the Cult of the Dragon in 1370 DR, while others state it was the Sembian cell in 1372 DR. Nevertheless, the first group to discover the site also stumbled across its guardian - an undead shadow dragon named Uthagrimnoshaarl the Dire Dragon. At first, he 'graciously' allowed the cultists to speak before fleeing with their lives, but the cultists managed to free him from the magic binding him to the graveyard. In exchange, he permitted the Cult to construct a fortress around the site.

Due to initially poorly planned construction efforts, there were numerous delays in building the Well. In addition, chromatic dragons attacked the workers multiple times, upset at humanoids disturbing a sacred burial site. Aside from dragons, the site also came under attack by adventurers, wizards, and even yuan-ti. At some point, the Sembian cell of the Cult of the Dragon took over construction, under the leadership of the warlord Naergoth Bladelord. In 1374 DR, after years of work by over 250 labourers, construction was completed.

While Naergoth was in overall command of the Dragonwell cell of the Cult of the Dragon, operations within the Well itself were overseen by Vargo Kent. Within the well, humanoids were transformed into half-dragons, and dragons were turned into dracoliches. This continued for over a century, and the citadel's defences were reinforced during this time.

When Severin Silrajin took over leadership of the Cult of the Dragon in the late 15th century DR, the temple was rededicated to Tiamat and focus was shifted away from dracolich creation. Despite this, there were a number of dracoliches created during this time. Instead, the Well became a focal point for a gigantic hoard of treasure the Cult was assembling. The purpose of this hoard was to summon Tiamat into the Material Plane, through a large pit in the middle of the citadel.

In service of this goal, the draakhorn was brought to the Well and sounded in order to summon chromatic dragons to its defence. In addition, armies of mercenaries, devils, giants, and exiled Red Wizards were brought to defend the citadel in secret. Despite the efforts of the Cult, a Harper scouting team discovered the activity at the Well. Although the team was ambushed and slaughtered (as well as a rescue team), an elven ranger named Cylanestriel managed to escape and report the activity at the Well to the Council of Waterdeep.

Aware of the serious danger posed by the Cult, the Council assembled a massive army, primarily backed by the Lords' Alliance and the Kingdom of Cormyr in order to assault the fortification.

When the army arrived outside the Well, it was joined by devils loyal to Asmodeus and opposing Tiamat, as well as Red Wizard loyalists. The two armies clashed on the fields below the Well, while a number of Harper and Zhentarim strike teams entered the Well in secret. Inside the Well, a strike team managed to neutralise Severin Silrajin and disrupt the ritual summoning Tiamat. The timely aid of a planetar and Protanther, an ancient gold dragon, repelled an avatar of Tiamat sent to reinforce the Cult. Following this, the strike team sealed the portal to Avernus, while the Cult forces outside began surrendering.

Following the victory at the Battle of the Well of Dragons, the Council of Waterdeep began repatriating the stolen hoard to its rightful owners and processing prisoners of war. It took some time to clear the tunnels beneath the Well, but eventually a joint garrison of Lords' Alliance forces and the Purple Dragons secured the citadel. By 1495 DR, the Well of dragons remains in Lords' Alliance hands.
Founding Date
1374 DR
Temple / Religious complex
Owning Organization
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