Clayton Settlement in Erylia | World Anvil


The small village of Clayton lies across the bay from Port Norsal, a ferry's ride away. The village is made up of primarily working class laborers who make enough to get by. Those who are savvy with their spending, work long hours, or have the survival skills to get their own food, are able to save up over time and pursue a life in the city.   Clayton is technically ran by a noble of the Altel family, though he spends little time in his manor, chosing to rule through his appointed foremen. By and large, it's rules and laws are governed the same as they are in Port Norsal.   The main production in Clayton is the harvesting of clay from the bay and surrounding lowlands as well as processing it from raw clay into easier to transport and more useful items. The brickworks is one of the largest work houses in the village, though some villages get by as simple artisans creating pottery.   The village itself is not very religious, there is no dedicated temple or church. However, many who live here pay respects to the gods Lugh and Manannan mac Lir, as they are the closest representatives to their every day lives.   Clayton has little in way of its own defenses. The workers who live there are armed with simple weapons while working away from the village to fend off wildlife, but there is no standing guard. In the event of an actual attack, if would be up to the villagers to form together as a militia. In dire situations, there is a signal tower that can be lit to alert the city of Port Norsal, though any help would come by ship and take hours to reach them.
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