Hall of Time Building / Landmark in Erthos | World Anvil

Hall of Time

A monastery that was founded by monks in service Leahar "The Spirit of Books and Knowledge". The order is known as the Monks of AirimaThey are tasked with observing history and recording it. Several of the monks are trained in divination magic and there are special artifacts that allow them to view the world.

Purpose / Function

After Leahar "The Spirit of Books and Knowledge" rose to the ranks of Chara Spirit, the monks who he once called his brothers began to pay homage to him. Under his tutelage, they began to record history and learn magic to help them see across the lands.


Many scholars, especially from the Isle Of Mystrium, come to the Hall to seek answers from the past. The Monks are willing to aid those in search of answers but they also have a strict oath to not reveal things that may prove disastrous to the lands.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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