Gulla Species in Ersetu in the Age of Heroes | World Anvil


Gullatu are monsters, reanimated by Erragal. Their bodies and minds are both warped beyond recognition as anything that was once human. They are true monsters.

Basic Information


Gullatu are semiupright, able to move more smoothly on all fours than on their feet. Their arms are long, and their hides are mottled.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gullatu spread their infection through biting the living, something they only ever do to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

The mutations wrought by Erragal begin at the very moment of death. The longer their unlife goes on, the more extreme these mutations become until they eventually starve, being unable to chew food. At this time, they withdraw into themselves and enter a final torpor. They will eventually fossilize.

Ecology and Habitats

Gullatu live underground, preferably near graveyards.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gullatu eat flesh already softened by decay. They cannot digest fresh meat, which makes them violently ill.

Biological Cycle

Gullatu lay corpselike for most nights until they smell a rotting corpse. The rousing scent will attract all of those in the area and they will feast. For several nights after, they are active until they either continue their nighttime dancing by feasting again or fall once more into a profound sleep to wait.


Gullatu are twisted and sardonic. They have a cosmic view of mortality and existence, finding nothing at all to be important. They find the suffering and tribulation of mortals to be hilarious.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gullatu live in packs. They carefully maintain their numbers relative to their foodsource. A pack of Gullatu is two to five individuals per hundred people in the settlement.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Necromancers seek out fossilized ancient Gullatu as a source of cultures for their black magic.

Facial characteristics

Their jaws are elongated into a brief muzzle into a sardonic smile.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gullatu have a limited sense of the living, much more dulled than the typical undead. They have poor eyesight and are nearly colorblind, but their senses of smell and hearing rival any hound.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gullatu hunt and kill the living, and are homicidally territorial against other undead.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
Even when standing upright, Gullatu are hunched and emaciated.


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