Murk Mountain Building / Landmark in Emynea | World Anvil

Murk Mountain

There exists one massive mountain at the easternmost heart of the Tenebrous Chain, skirted by the thickest and most dangerous forests including both Terror Thicket and Umbral Silva and even pockets of Melancholy Mire. The peak itself is devoid of life and has been carved into a beastly face, forever frozen in abject horror. Palls of shadow pour out from the eyes and mouth, settling into the forest below. Those touched by these shadows are stricken by walking nightmares or visions of their deepest sorrows. Supposedly, Zalikar's Seat rests somewhere within this craggy and desolate mountain. Openings to Cryptic Karst are scattered here as well, lacing through the entire region like veins of the land itself.

Purpose / Function

This is Zalikar's Seat, his own personal and divine sanctum hidden deep underground. There are rumored to be ancient relics and priceless treasure within, Zalikar's personal collection. Only Zalikar, Duff or a potential host can reach its inner depths as one needs to utilize all five of his aspects with considerable skill. The syltharian crystals Zalikar's soul is sealed within waits within this deepest chamber.


These caves are perilous to the ordinary person. There is no natural light here and Zalikar set all manner of traps and barriers within this network of caverns. In some places any and all light, magical or otherwise, is snuffed out. Invisible traps and obstacles are crafted from void that quickly flay all material upon contact or repel physical matter. Some pockets are akin to the void of space, a frigid vacuum devoid of air or heat. Only those capable of wielding dark magic stand a chance of navigating this maze and only Zalikar himself, his host or his familiar are able reach his Seat at the heart. Still, many fools attempt to navigate Zalikar's traps seeking his fabled treasure hoard.

Alternative Names
Zalikar's Seat, Zalikar's Maw
Parent Location
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Contested By

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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