Arctic Mugwort Species in Emynea | World Anvil

Arctic Mugwort

Racial Magic

First Ability

✴️Malok's Aura
Can generate temporary emotions or states related to Malok in those around them. States caused by this aspect can be extremely cathartic if not overwhelming.

✴️Malok's Shield
These casters are immune to all Malok magic and can turn off their own ability to experience these emotions and memories.
Second Ability

❄️Iska's Shield
These casters are immune to all ice magic and naturally occuring ice or cold, no matter how severe.

Beranok's Shield
These casters are immune to all lightning magic and naturally occuring electricity, no matter how severe.

A cousin species to Artemesia, Arctic Mugwort is also a hardy flowering plant of the aster family. Arctic mugwort grows in cold climates and high altitudes, thriving best in Skaney, Nordreyjar and the Frozen Wastes. It might also grow in the higher altitudes of the Tenebrous Chain and Rossiya. These herbs have a preference for sub-alpine and alpine climates, usually in arctic habitats like tundra. Otherwise, this mugwort can be found in alpine meadows growing amid sedges and grasses such as in Eldingfjord. In fact, it grows well in disturbed or rocky soil in general. While they usually reproduce by seed, this mugwort might also spread by sending out clonal growths called stolons. When reproducing by seed, these are dispersed by wind. This species is a popular food for grazers such as goats or deer and even amid smaller species like vole and shrew while it relies on butterflies and moths for pollination.


Original Ancestor
Artemisia norvegica
Norwegian Wormwood

7.9-23 in (20-60 cm)

This perennial subshrub stems out from a single basal stem and has a large taproot underground. Its leaves are usually 2-20 cm long, located low on its stem. Yellow flower heads all point downward, resembling a small sunflower with disc shaped flowers. These grow in late summer and fall. Silver-gray leaves are feathery while the stem is almost woody.


Medicinally, mugwort leaves and stems can be used to make a tea or tincture which treats digestive upset, cramps, infection, pain and fever. It has natural compounds which are anti-inflamatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-tumor. Mugwort is even useful for repelling insects. On its own, this is a bitter herb but can be combined with other ingredients to make besk, a bitter liquor made from steeping spices in alcohol. Ostmen usually make a bitter beer called bjornol out of it, believed to be mentally therapeutic thanks to its Material Magic or True Magic Alchemical properties. The trickest part is in differentiating the racial magic of the herbs before harvesting them, as otherwise it can be difficult to tell apart mugwort with a Shield manifestation from one with an Aura manifestation. While Shield will instill a resistance or immunity to chaos and other Malok emotions, the latter instead incites and generates these emotions! Yet despite the potential hazard, most Ostmen tend to enjoy themselves whichever brew they end up consuming, loving a good brawl and bit of chaos just the same! And what can be more cathartic than letting loose and getting a little crazy?


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