Esikan Settlement in Elivera: The Lost Ones | World Anvil
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  • Nestled deep in the Eon Hills, along the Earo-sigu, the mining and manufacturing town of Esikan lives in relative obscurity.
  In Esikan, a lot of the families have lived there for centuries. The town was first constructed atop a Dragios mining facility that was filled in centuries ago, when the last accessible ore was extracted. More mining takes place outside of the town further to the north-east within the heart of the Eon hills. Esikan grew over the centuries and when the Eagro nation annexed it into its territory several hundred years ago, aqueducts and other technological advancements were installed to further the needs of the people. As technology advanced further many of the aqueducts will filled to avoid ground erosion due to a new network of sewage treatment and cleansing, but some aqueducts still exist in the center of town, near the Five Bridges of Esikan.   There have been refugees from other areas of the world -- many from national disasters or turmoil from the Years of War before the Elivera Federation was founded -- that settled here and intermixed with the locals. A diverse group of people now live in Esikan and the leadership of the town is made up of representatives from these ethnic groups.   Building solidarity with one another is an important aspect of Esikan culture. Since it has old roots, newcomers are welcomed but also expected to participate in the cultural events and festivals Esikan often has. Neighbors will go and introduce themselves to newcomers in attempts to foster solidarity -- meals are often shared at these times. In Esikan society, there are no levels of politeness like in some of provinces of Sunik Nation or Isutobek Nation. However, there are some politeness cultural norms that exist within Esikan, as it is polite to greet people one knows and does not know; one must always offer a meal or a drink to a guest.   Esikan still abides by the tihăziriv tradition: Travelers would come with a musical code to seek a safe place to stay when traveling between nations and provinces. Families accepted the code and invited the traveler to stay in their home and invite them to a meal with drink. Stories are shared after the meal. The traveler is then invited on a tour with stories of the town’s history before the traveler heads off to their next destination. Nowadays the musical code is confirmed by a family’s sefir before the traveler is accepted into the tradition.   Esikan also still retains the tradition of a temporary name until age three or four, where the child then either accepts their name or posits an alternative. This is then recorded in the log-books for the citizenry of Esikan.   There are a lot of social groups that one can join that is dependent upon hobbies, one’s work, and other aspects of intrapersonal relationships. These groups will host social events or educational workshops for members for free (though the workshops are also available to the public for a fee). All citizens are required to go through at least the first level of Siteakin. Literary is near 89% in Esikan, and the city strives to increase this by offering at-home workshops and hologram streams for farmers who cannot afford to travel to and from the city for their children to attend in person.     For some of the major philosophies that govern Esikan:
  • Ecological philosophy harbors the ideal of a cycle of Birth/Death/Rebirth; one comes from the universe, and one must maintain equilibrium with nature to keep the cycle from disruption and chaos.
  • Justice ebbs and dawns is another common philosophy, where the idea of justice and equity must be maintained or intolerance will take root. This philosophy pushes for regulation of the 'marketplace of ideas' so that intolerant viewpoints are not given equal weight to facts and acceptance of individuals as human beings of worth.
  • Participatory -- the philosophy that describe how a participatory economy system can be utilized in a public organization.
  Since Esikan utilizes a participatory economy system, individuals work together within their districts to make decisions that affect the economy for that season. This is mired in the idea that humanity and ecology is more important than profit and business growth, and that the needs of humans and environment must be weighted more heavily than business growth in a steady-state of equilibrium. Some outliers may take the approach that businesses that provide jobs should be given more weight, but it’s not the main philosophy held by the majority of citizens.   People will meet in committee meeting houses, where citizens fill out their needs in order to determine what resources and products should be created or imported. Each residential district has at least three, and the results are sent into the city government office to be fed into the computing hub. This is then uploaded to the national system, where an algorithm sorts the results and sends the requests to the production and resource centers. Any left over goods from other years are for sale in the markets. Basic needs such as food, shelter, healthcare, and water is funded by the city. Wages earned in various professions are kept in government owned banks and can be accessed using the credit system available at any Market location or any store by just scanning the sefir over the credit pad.   In regards to ethics, Esikan laws state it is ethical to study and manipulate non-animate objects with one’s Ability, but unethical to use one’s Ability to coerce or harm other human beings. Testing on animals with one’s Ability is limited to specific Ability types (as not all Abilities can interact with organic lifeforms), and have strict regulations on when and where these tests can be done. Esikan does not have the equipment for much testing outside of a lab within the Education district that is used for biology lessons. Eagrok Nation is more strict than other nations on the ethics of Ability’s use on animals, as in one cannot induce cancer in an animal for study.   The city itself prides itself on its cultural scene. Spatial-full buildings are architectural wonders for travelers that visit the citiy. The complexity of shapes meld together to form a unique whole, and the use of terraced gardens give the buildings a sense of fusion with the environment. Many of the multi-floor buildings tend toward spatial-full designs. Many one-to-two story homes also utilize a spatial-full design in the inner parts of the city, closer to the Niteakin and Piteakin campuses. Other residential buildings or religious establishments may utilize spatial-empty styles of cubes, half-spheres, or pyramids. Sometimes smaller food-distribution and manufacturing buildings will be spatial-empty, where a more utilitarian structure is adapted for optimal space. The city is zoned by oblong ellipses to avoid larger structures eclipsing residential areas and casting long shadows that detract from residents ability to build their own gardens within their alloted yards.   The most common forms of art seen in Esikan is painted murals on buildings (or the interior walls of buildings), calligraphy, and sculptures. The Hotjĭriv-woreav is a seven story spatial-full building next to the Niteakin campus that houses numerous exhibits of local artists and artists from around the world. It also has two floors devoted entirely to the historical artifacts of the Eon hills and a mural of its history is painted along the walls of all seven floors. The Hotjĭriv-woreav is available to the public for free, though donations are accepted to help host more diverse artists exhibits from other nations. Funding for the museum is allocated by Esikan’s government as well as the Art Funds Eagrok nation provides individual provinces. Artists for a year-long membership of the Hotjĭriv-woreav to create new art for an exhibit that displays their artistry. Their exhibit will stay up for one season, and then will be released to the artist for their own use.   Most murals depict either scenes from history, scenes of nature, or scenes of people doing everyday activities. Some religious institutions have geometric designs as their murals within their own buildings. The plaques to remember the dead within the Ein-reakĭriok (death garden) are often rendered with artistic precision in order to provide a glimpse into the person’s life.   Music is fairly diverse in its styles. Common instruments include horns crafted from metal, various stringed instruments crafted from wood and hides, drums crafted from wood and hides, and curved flute-like instruments. Esikan has a traditional style that is sung chants to polyrhythmic drums. These are often used in traditional festivals that celebrate the mid-point of each season.   Virtual reality games are highly popular and are often open-world exploration that is bound up in trade, archeological expeditions in the game’s wilds, and other non-combat roles. Combat-based games are often competitions, where a team works together to secure a base for an alloted amount of time. Board games exist as well, though many are old and from prior centuries. Some have been modified to be played in a more virtual format through the projection of one’s Sefir onto a flat surface, where holographic pieces are moved according to the rules of the game. The styles of games are quite diverse: cooperative, some competitive. Many of the themes relate to ecology, sustainability, exploration, discovery, or literary.   For local media, there is the state-sponsored news and a few private-owned journals that share news or scientific papers. Kaier shows are common and have a wide variety of plots and characters. Some are longer operatic pieces that may include some musical numbers as well as the usual narrative driven scenes. Others are more character-driven and may include fantastical elements with settings either in the distant past or in the future. Others weave stories about conflict between those of different Abilities. There’s a few that explore the Ivutohan and their investigations of various crimes. These shows will also feature the Tohanavi as well. Shorter form media also exist. Any show that is 1.5 hours or less is classified as shorter form media.   For interpersonal relationships, thereis no institution of marriage that has any signifiers with the state. If people wish to be joined together in life through their religion, they do this through their place of worship. No special tax breaks or anything is given to couples by the government as all people are treated the same and given the basic needs that they need for survival. Anything beyond basic needs depends on the job a person may have. So divorce is only practiced within religious practices.   Numerous faiths exist and society is a pluralist society. Religion is free to practice but religion beliefs cannot be enshrined in law. Religion buildings are not tax-exempt either. All buildings require paying of a local tax, and the amount of tax is determined by the zone in which the building is built. Some areas of the city have higher taxes on property due to the income used to build the structure and maintain it, thus income is higher than other areas, and so is taxed more. Since religions can accept donations, the donations are consider part of the net worth of the building and must be included upon tax forms to verify that the building tax is properly met. This is to avoid religions that have a larger, more wealthy donor base from paying less in taxes than those with little to no donor base. Most taxes on buildings are a combination of income/property tax that are calculated together. If the building and those who inhabit or work there have low income, the tax levels will be much lower than those with a higher income and net worth.   Most of the various religious establishes have very imaginative creation stories, while others stick to a variation of the scientific version of events. No outdoor preaching in specific districts is allowed by city law; this was due to an abuse of one of the majority religions who had cornered the Market with priests that failed to provide space for other religions.   The most common funerary tradition is cremation. There are no cemetaries in Esikan. Instead, there are plaques placed in the death-garden (Ein-reakĭriok), where the ashes are spread for the growth of plant life. The plaque is affixed to walls that follow walking paths along the rows of trees and smaller flora. This is located at the south-west edge of town. For some citizens, they believe that to walk in the death-garden during an eclipse is to invite death.


In the Ale-Vukasin, a council of elected representatives run the city. There are several offices that run various parts of the infrastructure of the city that are overseen by the Ale-Vukasin, but these offices often run independently of it and are only answerable to the laws and/or major policy changes the Ale-Vukasin may sign into the city's legal charter. The offices are run by various citizens who apply and are selected through a battery of tests - one of which includes one day of field work. This helps the office leaders to determine the best candidates to staff the offices, so that the government can run smoothly.   Government’s job is to work for the people, to provide the basic needs of the people, to balance the business sector, and anyone can participate in any level of the government system provided they meet the above requirements for the various offices.   Elections are held yearly -- though what office is on the voting ticket depends on what cycle. Most city officials stay in office a max of three years. To avoid having a long list in the yearly elections, the offices up for election are staggered so that the voting tickets do not exceed a list of 4 local offices up for voting at one time. National elections occur on a different cycle and are hosted on a day separate than city elections.   Ivutohan do not carry any weapons beyond a stun stick. They mostly engage in assisting the public with minor infractions or troubles, and investigate local crime. They also assist with maintaining the peace in protests to avoid clashes between political fractions that could lead to harm. The local Ivutohan are trained in conflict resolution, de-escalation, and peace-keeping. They are governed by the judiciary branch of the city government, which is a council of judges. The council of judges is a rotating group of trained professionals randomly selected by the central processing network; they serve a term of ten years. Some can end up randomly selected for two consecutive terms if the pool of professionals is relatively small; in Esikan, this is rare.   Each district has an emergency protocol and central building that houses the vehicles needed to reach an emergency quick. Each has a staff of between 400 and 800 people that maintain the facilities, work the call network, staff the vehicles, train the emergency responders, and the emergency responders themselves.Hospitals exist in the Government District and are spatial-full buildings. There is also a field hospital south of the city for the farmers, and one north-east near the smaller towns that border the coast.   There are standards and regulations that govern manufacturing, industry, and the sell of goods to avoid price-leeching and high inflation. This is to circumvent private corporations setting high prices just for profit on necessary items or healthcare pharmaceuticals. These regulations scale based on size of the business and the reach. If it’s a small local business, then the regulations depend solely on the land, safety, and equipment that a small local business would need. If it’s a large business that services an entire country, the scale requires different sorts of equipment and the need for different types of regulations would come into effect. The paperwork would scale with the business’s growth.   Food production has incentives given by the city, though they are locally owned stores which can provide their own merchandise beyond the government funded necessities. There is several distribution centers and the regulatory paperwork is dependent on the size of the farm, to avoid overstressing small farmers with reams of paperwork that may be more than what they need to plan for, and to avoid small farmers having to buy unnecessary equipment that larger scaled farms might need.   However, despite the government's regulations and planned participatory economy, an underground economy exists that is mostly bartering of hand-made goods in the aqueducts. This sort of bartering system is legally procurred goods that are bartered back and forth to avoid sales tax. An illegal trade of goods does also exist in the tunnels of the aqueducts, from which the Sun_Cult thrives.




Government District:

  • Ale-Vukasin "Hall of Voices" --- this is where the government officials meet.
  • Uifehasin "Central Circle" -- the center of districts often have a small park area in the center with art sculpture.
  • Isatenumarin "Healing Center" -- the hospital. Smaller clinics do exist within residential districts.
  • Ivukasin "Hall of judges" -- the Justice District. This includes the Ivutohan, the justice officers as well.
  • Ruesatasin "Rehabilitation Center" -- basically where those convicted of crimes go to be rehabilitated and learn new skills for their eventual reintroduction to society. There isn't really any prisons in the Eagrok nation as they take a rehabilitative justice route. Note: Esikan has a small Ruesatasin since crime isn’t particularly high. Any criminals that commit ethically atrocious crimes (such as murders or Ability crimes) are sent to the Ruesatasin in Elikaelia, which is about 150 kilometers south of Esikan.
  • Femakusin "Department of Emergencies"

Trader District

  • Tjevosin "Trade/Market" -- the Trader district.
  • Zuqoasin "Currency House" -- Banks

Education District:

  • Siteakin "University"
  • Niteakin "School"
  • Kuakasin "Hall of Music" -- basically where musical performances are done, or where musical training is also conducted outside of the Siteakin.

Power/Manufacturing District


Eanukasin "Flight Hall"

Similar to an airport. This has no spaceport, and is located on the outer edge of the Manufacturing District on the border of the town. It mostly is a port for aircraft to take freight/supplies to other cities or to take people to other cities. It also serves as a power structure as deep geothermal power conduits power the Eanukasin.  

Tohaetrosin "Power source/utilities"

The power generators are solar and geothermal based, but also large facilities that exist on the coast and gather energy from the extreme tides that Elivera has. These are then transported to Esikan mostly underground through fiber optic cables. The coastal town of Nasun monitors and maintains the tidal power.   The wind farms are mostly located in the Eon hills, but there is one large wind farm on the high point in this district, where several tall pillars are situated atop the tallest hill in the Power district, these pillars rotate when the wind hits them, thus turning a turbine below ground to generate power.   On the north-west edge of the Power/manufacturing District, there is an old waste incineration plant that is still in use. It's trio of towers are capped with filters that capture carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, and pipe the molecules down into vats, where they are stored as solids to be used in the filling of depleted mining veins. This was a relatively new addition to the plant, and monitoring equipment is used to verify it continues to work effectively. If there is any issues in the system, the plant shuts down temporary and more tidal power is pulled from Nasun's generators to make up for the lull in electricity.   Energy stored is stored in fairly efficient battery tanks, and distributed through underground lines to individuals buildings.  

Inikaetrosin “Manufacturing Depot”

This is where a lot of the manufacturing and processing of the mining happens. It is a collection of buildings owned by either the city government or independently owned companies, many of which are employee owned. Local unions negotiate with larger companies in other parts of the Federation for distribution and various economic deals. Union leaders are voted on within elections.   The government-owned manufacturing processing center is located in the center of the district, where all mining materials go through for sorting and distribution to the manufacturing processing buildings. This facility mostly verifies standards and laws are kept and to quantify the output of mines.  

Residential District

There are several of these located throughout the city. Most people live in the residential districts.   Note: Most of the housing is high density eco housing that are spatial-full designs with solar panels and/or green rooftops. There are individual homes built in a variety of styles that are closer to the urban center and are very old homes that were built in decades past. These homes had to be retrofit to meet the standards of current architecture laws.  
  • Piteakin -- small schools for children who are younger than 8.
  • Livareakin -- these are spiritual centers of various religions located at the outer edges of residential areas. Each religion has its own name and has a relatively large meeting room with side offices and mediative areas. Some of the lesser known religions share the same building with other religions.
  • Isatemarin -- Smaller health clinics that are open only during the day.

Recreation District

  • Diqaesin "Theater"
  • Eonitasin "Hall of Art" -- there are specific names for Museums that I mentioned in the Esikan thread, but thhis is the general term for Art museums or halls.
  • Kuakasin -- there is a second “Hall of Music” in the Recreation District.
  • Ezitoqasin -- general name for parks or natural areas that have walking paths.


There are several types of transportation systems in Esikan. One system is the tramiv -- this is a mostly underground network of small essor trains. The platforms to enter the tramiv are located at the intersections of pedestrian walkways in the center of districts and at the four cardinal points at the edge of each district.   Pedestrian walkways meander throughout all the districts, and are lit by lamps that are situated on tall poles with a umbrella-like hat above the light, so all light is directed downward onto the pathway. Each pole has an emergency pad, for a pedestrian to push their hand against to call for assistance if needed.   A limited roadway system intersects most of the districts. Part of this system includes the Five Bridges of Esikan (Qo-osonmarin-Esikan)-- five bridges span the river (Earo-sigu) that flows through town. Mostly public transportation has a separate lane from lanes used by citizens with their katj or vehicles. The bus system in Esikan is fairly efficient and thorough, so the lanes for privately owned vehicles are relatively rare and mostly relegated to the largest roads. Minor roads in districts are mostly public transportation lanes. Public transportation is provided free to anyone in the city, and the funds for it comes from the taxes.   There is a Flight Hall on the North edge of town beyond the Round-road (the road that circles the city). This Flight hall is relatively small and local, but has flights to larger Flight Halls, where one can access the spaceports and other nations and provinces.   Esikan has a essor-train that travels to and from Nasun, its local port, where the seacaves dot its towering cliffs. There is a light-tower and a port for the offloading and loading of goods situated on a metal platform just offshore from the cliffs, and a metal bridge connects the port to the town of Nasun.  

Water management

Water throughout the city uses a pipe system that is upgraded every fifty years to clean out the pipes and install new ones to avoid rust and contamination, or breakage from old infrastructure. There are narrow tunnels that crisscross the city that allow access to a lot of these pipes, as well as the aquifer system, that is housed deeper underground. Approximately 0.4 km underground sits a large underground aquifer from which part of Esikan's water is drawn. Another intake of freshwater is in the salt water treatment plants (that turn salt water into fresh water to be piped into the city) in Nasun.   There are water treatment plants located in the manufacturing district of the city that recycles all sewage and cleanses it for use in industrial applications.   Must of Esikan is built atop a wide plateau and situated at around 1km above sea-level; however, due to the Earo-sigu flowing through the city, floods used to happen more often in the earlier years, when Esikan was first built. Since then, tall flood containment walls have been built along the river through town (these walls are wide enough to host pathways for pedestrians to walk or fish from).   All buildings in Esikan have earthquake stabilizers built into their foundations due to the occasional earthquake from a nearby fault about forty kilometers in the northern ocean.   Sea-storms sometimes blow through, but the city has a disaster corps that activates in such circumstances to assist in folks evacuating to the storm-proof shelters that are built into the hills just west of town. The corps then organizes the clean-up and distribution of supplies until the town recovers. It's relatively rare to have major sea-storms at Esikan's latitude.  


Communication towers and fiber optic cables service the city with Internet and kaier stations. Radios are still a common sight in Esikan, due to hobby groups that utilize the long-distance radio communication that bounces signals off the stratosphere to reach the other side of the planet. In addition, Internet servers are situated in the center of districts that calibrate with the UPS. Written mail still exists, and a postal service runs along the essor-train routs from Esikan to other towns in the region.  

Solid Waste

Disposal of waste (incinerators, transportation to landfills, hazardous waste disposal facilities) exist within the Manufacturing district, where much of it is either recycled in waste recovery facilities or used in the waste incinerator plant for power. No landfills exist in Esikan due to its regulations to avoid contaminating the ecosystem of the Eon hills, so it utilizes a full-waste re-use or burn system. Each building has a bin situated along the walkways, and automated robots go through at night to collect the waste and carry it to the waste recovery facilities or waste incinerator plant. The robots are run by the government's central computing system.  



Health system

Hospitals are located in Government district. One field hospital to the south, and one to the east. Public healthcare is free for citizens, and smaller health centers exist next to the Piteakin at the center of Residential districts. For health monitoring, the city office of health deals with monitoring the health system; for example, the office regularly sends Inspectors to inspect all food-related industries and drug manufacturing to verify they meet safety standards.  


Education district is located on east side of the Earo-sigu next to the Government District. This houses the Niteakin and smaller trade-specific Siteakin. A student starts at the Piteakin in the center of Residential Districts at age four, and then transitions to Niteakin at age 8. Most young adults finish their learning at either the local Siteakin or they travel to other Siteakin in other cities for more specialized programs. It's rare for students to continue in learning programs past 24 years of age, but Siteakin will take anyone of any age for their programs.   The learning programs have classes in the following:
  • Ability Mastery
  • Science
  • Archeology
  • Alchemy
  • Astronomy and Physics
  • Biology and biotech
  • Ecology
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics
  • Societal Studies
  • Art
  • Music
  • History
  • Political Theory
  • Philosophy
  • Conflict Resolution and peacekeeping
  • Social Welfare and/or Charity


  The city has at least one of the following cultural buildings. (A guild is often associated with each hall; each guild has specific requirements for people to meet to join, but they are open to the public and meet regularly to determine cultural activities.) Esikan honors a lot of holidays, and the holiday parades and festivals are managed by festival councils; these councils are determined through a specific puzzle game set up at the start of Autre (season of storms).  
  • Museums within the Education District
  • Parks
  • Recreation District -- this houses most of the sports halls
  • Music Hall
  • Theaters
  • Libraries
  • Creative Studios
  • Buildings built specifically to house travelers are located on the edges of the Trader District next to the river.
  • Conventions for specific social, entertainment, and/or trade groups are sometimes hosted in the Trader District or Education District
  • Restaurants (locally owned or run by international corporations)

Natural attractions

  • Eon Hills has unique loess deposits in the southern hills.
  • Sea caves along the coast.
  • Within the Suzik range, there are the Uza-Untaiv (the three mountains) to the north-west. These mountains used to be active volcanoes, so there is volcanic rocks and long solidified floes in the region.


Esikan has a mixture of spatial-full and spatial-empty mostly due to one of the primary @Siteakin research centers for Architecture is in Esikan's education district.


Esikan is nestled in the Eon Hills along the meeting of two rivers: Earo-sigu and Zuliki-sigu. The Earo-sigu flows through the center of Esikan. The Eon hills are thick with vegetation and moss-like groundcover. Further to the north, a small, uplift of mountains, known as the Sizuk-taleon, was created from a magma vein that has since long shifted out into the ocean of the Esun-gilas. The Kan-sigu flows into the Earo-sigu from the depths of the Sizuk range.

Natural Resources

Economy and Natural Resources

  • Mining installations in the Eon hills dominate much of the economy, and much of the workers are those that manipulate the machinery and upkeep the automation. There is also the programmers that program the automation. Mining focuses on a sustainable method that does the least amount of ecological damage to the ecosystem of the Eon Hills. Pipes and small robots follow veins of minerals, and once a vein is depleted, a rock substance, similar in materials to the actual rock of the Eon hills, is poured into the veins and allowed to harden. This avoids any sinkholes or excavation of entire sides of the hills.
  • Architects often use the hills as grounds for experiments, so part of the city have strange architecture from the Siteakin Architecture Project Team. Some parts have an organic aspect to their structures and others are more utilitarian.
  • Types of technology and bioseeds for industry or personal use are relatively rare and must be imported.
  • Home theater systems are relatively expensive due to the import of the needed computer systems and holograph-3D viewing. Although a lot of the metal seeds needed to grow these systems are mined in the Eon hills, much of the growth manufacturing is done farther downstream in heavier manufacturing towns. The processing of the mining materials into metal seeds takes up a lot of the manufacturing sectors of Esikan.
  • Types of jewelry can be expensive depending on the types of materials used and how difficult it is to mine the materials without damaging the ecosystems of the Eon hills.
  • Handmade items are luxury goods due to their uniqueness as they are often made by local artisans with local materials.

Farming and Subsistence

  Most of the fauna are relatively small creatures or large winged creatures. The large winged creatures mostly live near the tops of the hills or by the sea caves. Very few of the winged creatures are feathered. Most are bat-like with leathery skin and/or down on their heads and back.
  • Kovin -- largest bat-like creature with a fuzzy snout, large round ears, black eyes, and a tail. glides from cliffside to trees, and burrows into rock for its nests -- its claws are very sharp. Eats insects mostly.
  • Karui -- small, only about seven centimeters in length with webbed wings that stretch out and are anchored at the creature’s “ankles” and “shoulders.” Clawed feet. A long snout with a very long tongue, and wide-spaced eyes and no noticeable ears. Echolocation is its main navigation. Nests atop cliffs and the lower levels of the Raliok.
  The few “feathered” creatures tend to be small and fast and live on the coast, mainly in the cliffs, and dive into the ocean to collect their food, or sweep insects from the top of cliffs for food.
  • Sanu -- violet and turquoise colored with short beaks
  • Iniau -- black and violet with long beaks
  • Taru -- black and white with curved beaks
  Most of the fauna of Eon hills is protected species, but hunting winged creatures is allowed during specific seasons.   For farming, very few farmers live in Esikan. Most live out in the wilderness of the Eon hills and have terraced crops that grow mostly vegetables. Very few fruit trees can survive at Esikan’s latitudes. Most of the native flora is toxic to digest, so all edible food either must be grown or imported.  
  • The terraced regenerative farms mostly focus on tubers and other root vegetables.
  • Very few domesticated animals are on farms, and of these animals, the Ziavoiv is the most common. A Ziavoiv is a slow, moving large, thickly coated creature with six legs, a long trunk that digs into the earth and overturns soil or excavates a hole and eats insects. The coat can be shaved for use as cloth.
  • Nasun, a neighboring town within 3 kilometers of Esikan, sits on the coast and has sea-farms that grow and harvest various types of sea-vegetables. Nasun also has fisheries.
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