Roma Profession in Eldridth | World Anvil


A traditional folk, often ostracized for their differing culture. A nomadic people, but more often then not due to over staying their welcome on the outskirts of some town they settled near for awhile. Often poor by the standards of most folk, they feel more comfortable this way, finding discomfort in the decadence and seeing the wealthy lifestyles of nobles and rich folk as almost abhorrent. Very spiritual in nature as well as driven by a sense of loyalty to heir Pride, which is a collection of Roma families.
These Prides, or Clans as some call them, are closely knit groups whom stick together often forming a full community amongst themselves in whatever areas they settle. This is because most cities or villages look at them with suspicion and prejudice. They are often treated better by remote farmers whom they trade with, and assist with their animal herds.
As a Roma, you would avoid the possession of large expensive things that hold no immediate purpose for yourself, though see no qualms in taking what you need from someone with plenty, or in fair trade in other cases, often even without the owners permission or knowledge. This is because the concept of personal possession is limited to what a person can hold on themsevles, or secure in a small wagon home or bedroom. It is in this way that Roma prefer to care precious stones, gemstones and Jewels, rather then currency of any land. They often barter goods and services rather rather then exchange coins.
Roma are often inclined toward nature, often caring for live stock of their own as children for their pride. They also get exposed to magic and rituals at a young age.. No single person leads a Pride, rather a matriarch or Patriarch from each family in the Pride will serve as a represenitive when large group decisions must be made.
Leaving a Roma pride behind for a life of adventure is a rare occurrence, so you may of been shunned by the Clan, perhaps even to the dismay and disagreement of your parents that are still so bound by the customs that they had no other choice but to abide by the decisions of the Pride. Or perhaps some sign has sent you reluctantly away from your home, and you have been following signs and the customs of your people hoping that it will one day lead you home.


Personality Trait Examples

    • I often speak in Limba, even though I know no one around will understand me.
    • I like the air of curiosity and attention my heritage brings me, even though it is usually negative.
    • Hearing others disparage Roma makes me violently angry.
    • Everyone takes life too seriously, life is meant to be enjoyed.
    • I lived a very sheltered life from the prejudices of the world, and find it hard to cope with now that I'm no longer with my family.
    • I miss my family, and things that remind me of them make me very sad.
    • Animals are my life, and I often think higher of them then the other people around me.
  1. I am as suspicious of others , as they often are of me.


Ideal Examples

    • Charity. I can't stand to see others suffer, while some live in luxury and safety, and work to correct that when I can.
    • Fairness. All creatures are born and die equals, life should be the same.
    • Honor. The preconceptions people have of me are meant to be proven wrong.
    • Tradition. Accomplishing what I left home for is all that matters, as once it is completed I can return home with my head held high.
    • Greed. People are too attached to money and possessions, I help them by liberating them of that burden.
  1. Freedom. All who live in chains, be they metaphorical or literal must be freed.


Bond Examples

    • I am looking for the deed that will allow me to return to my family, though I won't know it until it is done.
    • I am following the signs based on the traditions of my ancestors, and while I have my doubts, I am left with little choice.
    • I was framed by an outsider, and my Pride has shunned me. I will track this person down, and get my revenge.
    • I am fiercely loyal to my friends, and miss those I knew in the past, and still work to live up their expectations.
    • When practicing magic rituals by myself, I made contact with an entity from another plane, I have been following its advice ever since, and it has not led me astray yet.
  1. My best friend is an animal, and I would give my life for theirs.


Flaw Examples

    • The traditions of my people are not suggestions, they are higher then any law, and I will follow them even to my own death.
    • Due to the prejudice I have experienced, I have a short fuse, and calming me down is not an easy task.
    • I never forget when I am wronged, and if given the opportunity I will get my come uppance.
    • I violated the code of my Pride, and have been cursed, and I see this curse as the cause of all my problems, and bring it up regularly.
    • If the choice is between work and revelry, revelry will always win.
  1. I never fit in outside of my own Pride, and I try not to draw any attention to myself, and feel very self conscious when eyes are upon me.
Skill Proficencies: Nature and Survival
Tool Proficencies: 2 Gaming Sets of your choice
Language: Limba (A special Roma Language that others would need two language choices to learn this one)
Default Lifestyle: Poor
  • A set of colourful unusual clothing
  • A gaming set of your choice
  • A trinket that reminds you of your Pride
  • A bag of small precious stones worth 20gp
  • 5 gp

Choose between A, B, C:

  • A. Animal Care Taker. Gain proficency in Animal Handling, and the abilitly to Animal Bond.
  • B. Ritual Keeper. Gain Proficency in Arcana, and the abilitly Roma Ritual Casting. Also add a Ritual Book to your equipment.
  • C. Roma Worker. Gain Proficency in Atheltics and Procicency with a set of tools or a kit of your choice, and add that set of tools or kit to your equipment.
  • Animal Bond. This abillitly can not be used if you already have a Animal Bonded to you. If an animal has a Intellegince score below 4, and is not presently in a hostile state or under any other magical effects, you can attempt a animal handling check with a difficulty set by the DM based on the animal you are trying to bond with. Upon a success, this animal will be bonded to you and be fearcely loyal to you and your commands, and this bond will last the life of the creature.
  • Roma Ritual Casting. You gain the ability to cast Roma Ritual Spells. You must cast them as Rituals, and can only select from the Roma Ritual list. You begin with 2 level 1 rituals of your choice.


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