Return to Elyse Plot in Eldridth | World Anvil

Return to Elyse

Once the party feels they have enough information on what is happening in the Springoa region, and resolved what they could resolve, they should return to Elyse and their mentors in Teescreek Manor.
  • Vaida

    11 Items 2 Soul Coins The Exsanguinator - The dagger that oce a day must be feed the blood of a victim, by being plunged into body, and left while it drains the body of its blood. After this is done, the Dagger shall be 1d4+2 Damage. If it is left a day without being fed, it shall drop to a 1d4-2. The day after a feeding, it shall fall to a 1d4 normal dagger Jewelery box of magical rings ( - 1 wisdom for each item removed, unless the box is knocked twice)
  • Ring of Inner Beauty (While wearing this ring charisma is 17, but while not worn is now 8) No effect if CHarisma is already above 17.
  • Sleepless ring (Your long rest leaves you with 1 level of exahuustion. Adds the Alert feat during attempts to long rest)
  • Viper Ring (With bonus action for the cost of 1 HP the viper does 2d6 damage to the closest person besides the the wearer. The viper must deal 10 damage, any damage undealt will fall back on the wearer. Must be used daily, or it will randomly begin to strike the wearer.) Cursed to be un removable. Appears like a viper wrapped into a circle.
  • Ring of the Eye (Cursed upon wearing, unable to remove. STruck blind, but can still "see" but cannot be influenced by illusions as they cannot see them. The same for invisible creatures, can see them but cannot tell they are visible. Completly blind in the astral Plane.)
  • Ring of Over Confidence (Gain 5 hp. You no longer track damage a must take a bonus action to check your heatlh.)
  • The Ring of Darkness (Grants the abilitly to sense evil intentions, but the more it is used, the darker it will drive the user to act) Appears as a skull, and grows more putrid with use.
  • Ring of Death (Grates the wearer the sense of any life that ends within 1 mile, with a vauge sense of the pain involved direction and <if you know them> who it is.
  • Taysia

    Coat of Flamboyant Style - Automatically fits the wearer, +1 to AC, -3 to stealth, +2 to persuasion. Cannot be removed without remove curse. Any clothing worn with this coat will become overtly flamboant after a short time wearing.


    Lobotomized Pixie. WIll produce pixie dust if given a container.


    The hungry daggers SEntient +2 Dagger set. (Can sacrifice health to add damage.)


    Bag of mundane items - Transforms the items inside the bag into mundane practically useless items randomly, even if they are powerful magical items.


    A bag full of potions.
  • A sparkelly Potion, Purple in color (Anyone who drinks a drop will become convinced they are on the verge of death)
  • A dull green swamp like potion (Leaves anyone drinking this potion unable to enjoy the taste of anything but rotten food. DOes not protect from illness.)
  • A bright blue corked and covered in a black cloth potion (Gives dark vision, but gives a negative effect to perception in daylight or bright light.)
  • A crimson, almost blood colored one (Gives a total of 50 temp hit points tastes like blood.)
  • A pale grey potion ( -1 to intellegence, perminate speak with animals.)
  • A hauntingly Black potion (+2 to strength, - 1 dexterity, +2 damage on unarmed attacks.)
  • A clear slightly yellow liquid in a vial. (Robs the drinker of all sensation for a day for each 1/7 of the potion drunk.)
  • A persistently bubbling bright blue poition (Transform those who drink it to become albino versions of themselves)
  • A crimson Red potion marked "For Red Caps" (If a red cap drinks partly reduces murderous, and makes them complaint with the first non redcap they see.)
  • A bottle that seems distorted to the eye. (Drinking a drop this will apply the blure spell to the user for 10 turns after 2 turns. Effect timing can stack)
  • A bottle marked "Blood of fire". (Drinking this potion will enflame the user, dealing normal fire damage to them. The blood remains this way for 10 min per swig of the potion.)
  • Hons

    Magic bag of nuts.
    What the nuts do:
  • Acorn (Eating - Turn blue or pink, or purple or green or brown) (planting - Acorn tree upon watering) (thrown - Turns into hostile dryad)
  • Walnut (Eating - Transform into a squirrel for 24 hours or until killed) (Planting - Grows uncontrolably fast into a amassive thorn bush) (Thrown - Creates a bright flash where it lands, blinding creatures looking in its direction for 1 turn)
  • Almond (Eating - Grow 1 ft if small 6 in if med, 3 in if large.) (Planting - in 1 week a tree, in 1 month a grove, in 1 year a forest.) (Thrown - turns into a small bond of clean water)
  • Pecan (Eating _ grows a deer tail replaces other tails, lasts for 1 week, before returning) (Planting - kills all plant life in 10 foot circle, in 6 secs. Effects last for 1 year) (Thrown - produces a loud ringing noise that can be heard for 1 mile.)


    Hons Frickleberry

    Hons Frickleberry CR: 1/8

    Small halfling, lawful good
    Armor Class: 14 (Leather Armor)
    Hit Points: 22 hp 4d8+4
    Speed: 25 ft , fly: 0 ft , burrow: 0 ft , swim: 0 ft , climb: 0 ft


    9 -1


    16 +3


    13 +1


    10 +0


    9 -1


    10 +0

    Skills: Athletics +1, Acrobatics +5, Stealth +5
    Senses: Passive Perception 9
    Languages: Common, Halfling
    Challenge Rating: 1/8

    Odd Luck. Rather then roll for a saving throw, Hons can choose to succeed. If he does, he takes a counter. If he attempts an Skill check with a counter on him, it automatically fails and removes that counter. While he has counters on him, he also has disadvantage on attacks. He can also remove a counter by choosing to fail a saving throw instead.
      Halfling Nimbleness. Halflings can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
      Absolute Confidence. Starts every day with 10 Temp HP, to reflect his unusual confidence in his abilities.


    Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.
    Hit: 3-4-6 1d4+2 Piercing damage.
      Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target.
    Hit: 3-5-8 1d6+2 piercing damage.

    Hons Frickleberry is a small Halfling, standing at only 3 feet tall. He has a round, jolly face with a wide grin, and bright green eyes that sparkle with excitement. His curly brown hair is cut short, and he keeps his thick sideburns trimmed neatly. Despite his small stature, he carries himself with a confident and determined air, as if he is always ready for the next adventure. He wears simple leather armor, with a small dagger strapped to his belt and a hand crossbow slung over his shoulder. Overall, he appears to be a friendly and cheerful fellow, eager to prove himself as a capable adventurer.

    Elyse Plune

    Elyse Plune

    Medium Human, Director of Adventurers Guild, Chaotic Good

    Armor Class 15
    Hit Points 30-65-100 10d8+20
    Speed: 30 ft


    ( +2 )


    ( +2 )


    ( +2 )


    ( +1 )


    ( +1 )


    ( +3 )

    Saving Throws CHA +7, CON +6
    Arcana +6, Intimidation +7, Perception +5, Stealth +6, History +6, Religion +6, Investigation +6
    Senses Passive Perception 16
    Languages Common, Gnomish
    Challenge Rating 6
    Proficiency Bonus +4


    Elyse is an 10th-level sorcerer. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, to hit with spell attacks +7)  

    At will: Ray of Frost, Minor Illusion, Fire Bolt, Mending, Friends.

    1/day: Cloudkill, Chain Lightning, Modify Memory

    2/day: Hypnotic Pattern, Stone Skin, Greater Invisibility

    3/day: Darkvision, Enhance Ability, Web, Ray of Frost, FIre Bolt

    Gas of Death. Prepared abilitly, 6 hour +2000 gold worth of supplies. A target area of 40 square ft fills with a prepared gas into a fog cloud that obscures view. All creatures in the cloud must make a DC 20 Con save, that must be repeated for each turn in the cloud. Creatures that fail this save will become Paralyzed, prone, and falls unconsious on its next turn. This effect wares off after 10 turns. Each unconsious creature in the cloud, also takes 5-17-30 5d6 a turn.   Cunning Action. Due to her high agility and cunning she can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action.   Well taught. Mostly of the written knowledge of the world could passed by her hands. When rolling any knowledge skill that she is proficient, on a failure she can roll a Investigation check to remember who/where in the world could have that info.


    Multiattack. The Scoundrel makes three weapon melee attacks or three ranged attacks.   Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft, one target. Hit: 4-5-7 ( 1d4+3 piercing damage.   Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft, one target. Hit: 4-7-11 1d8+3 piercing damage.  

    Doc Duphrain

    Doc Duphrain

    Medium Half Elf, Cleric of the Vanguard, Lawful Good

    Armor Class 14
    Hit Points 20-37-55 5d8+15
    Speed: 30 ft


    ( +2 )


    ( +1 )


    ( +2 )


    ( +0 )


    ( +3 )


    ( +2 )

    Saving Throws WIS +4, CON +4
    Skills Religion +4, Insight +4, Medicine +4, Persuasion +5
    Senses Passive Perception 11, Darkvision 60 ft
    Languages Common, Elvish, Celestial
    Challenge Rating 2
    Proficiency Bonus +2


    Doc is a 4th-level cleric. Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 12, to hit with spell attacks +4).

    At will: Spare the Dying, Presidigitation

    3/day: Identify, Speak with Animals, Cure Wounds

    Craft Healing Potion. Takes either 50 gold of supplies or 1 hour of searching in the wild for materials, a container, and a short rest to craft a healing potion for Doc.
    Craft Instant Cure. Takes either 500 gold of supplies, or 5 hours of searching in the wild for materials, a piece of paper, and a short rest to craft an instant cure.
    Stealthy. Doc is able to hide as a bonus action.
    Healing Kit. Doc can spend 10 minutes with a creature using their healing kit, and allow them to recover and use 1 of their hit die.


    Healing Potion. Prepare up to 4. Using one action and 1 prepared potion to provide 4-7-10 2d4+2 hp to another creature.
      Instant Cure. Prepare up to 2. Using one action and 1 prepared cure, doc can instantly cure most conditons on a creature. This works with Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Stunned and Unconscious.   Superior Hide. Using their action, and a bit of divine guidance Doc is able to do a Stealth check with a +5 bonus, and advantage to find cover. They can instead pass this bonus and advantage to another creature within 10 ft of them, provided Doc is hidden or hides as well this turn.

    Urniin Wervir
    Safrora the Kind
    Ollan Greth
    Eva Dunlop The Wise
    Cornelia Rothen
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