A Call to Adventure

Join the Party

The world of Eldridth is about to fall into chaos. It's ancient past, not forgotten but believed to be laid low, is about to consume the idyllic continent of Aygess. There have been multiple subtle signs of this shift, and there is not telling what will happen, but if the dominoes continue to fall uninterrupted, everything could be turned upside down. Can anyone uncover the truth of what is happening in the world? Will the world be able to turn away from its own fall.
  You are being invited to join this campaign and create your own character and backstory. This will be an open world inspired game with large events afoot, that I have been creating for over two years, with custom designed NPC's, organizations, villages towns and entire cities. The specifics of the campaign will be built once I can know who the characters are. The party will be able to solve mysteries, dive into Dungeons, explore the wilderness, get involved in political issues, or spend time solving problems for locals. You can explore ancient ruins, uncover secretive plots, and the list goes on and on. Whether its profit, virtue, power, or fame that motivates your character, there is plenty to be had.

I am welcoming new players and experienced alike, and am hoping to start a session 0 as soon as possible, and hope to have a party of 4-6 to meet once or twice a month, if we gather local players in person at my house, if we have distant players it will be online, scheduling sessions based on the availability we have.

Want more information? Head to the worlds public website and take a look for yourself, that is linked here: Eldridth. You can make a free World Anvil account and follow the world in the bottom left corner to view more of the world including player options like race and class, but these are all races and classes that are described in D&D 5e Source books. To get access to the majority of world including rules and such, you will want to also complete the Player Application (Linked Here) and wait for approval, which should come in about 24 hours or less.

If you have a character design with different options than those displayed, let me know and we can see if it can be worked in, because I do want you to be able to design the character that will both fit in the world, and make you want to play them! Just know that there is likely a reason that an option was omitted, though I am certain we can make most things work. Also know that while I will work with your preferred backstory into the world, it may not completely fit, so it may include a bit of back and forth to finish completely.

Let me know if you have any questions, and especially if you are interested in joining! If you don't have my contact information, you can reach me about this world at [email protected] for the time being!


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