The Bleak Citadel Building / Landmark in Eglorix | World Anvil
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The Bleak Citadel

"That place has been a black spot on the landscape of Tern before my grandfather was was Clan Father. He knew more about that place than he let on. He would shudder anytime the name came up and wouldn't look at it. His mark is on the law that bans any clansmen from entering the place. I don't know what the Eularis Empire did there but it wasn't good."
Dinain Carrar, 1321 Ebony Bear Clane Father
  The Bleak Citadel is one of the few remaining structures standing from the time of the Eularis Empire. The area that surrounds the citadel is cast in constant dim gray light night and day. The forest of lifeless trees that surround it is devoid of all animal life and vegetation. The citadel is surrounded by tall resolute scorched gray walls. Immediately outside the walls is a 20-foot cobblestone road that goes around the entire complex. The roads that lead to the Citadel all come to an open gate that leads to a massive courtyard.  


There is little that is known about the Bleak Citadel. Scholars believe that it was the center of the Eularis Empire as the roads of Eularis all converge on that point. Early on in the 3rd epoch entrance into the Bleak Citadel was banned by the Ebony Bear Clan Father. The few explorers that have ventured into the citadel and returned tell of ghostly shapes walking the courtyard and ghostly blue eyes hauntingly always just out of sight. Occasional caravans during that time used the highways and would make their way around the citadel to save time. Most often they would report losing members of their caravan saying they just vanished or wandered into the gates.   Further exploration has been outlawed and further complicated by the Frozen Desolation.
-1000 2E
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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