Athendon Settlement in Eglorix | World Anvil
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Athendon is a thriving city within Kingdom of Tern  primarily inhabited by humans who have dedicated themselves to the study and practice of arcane arts.   Athendon's shift underground was a pragmatic one, driven by the harsh and inhospitable nature of the Frozen Desolation. With frigid temperatures, relentless blizzards, and treacherous terrain, the surface offered little respite for human civilization. Seeking shelter and safety, the inhabitants of Athendon welcomed the support of Clan Ebony Bear and delved deep beneath the surface, carving out an extensive labyrinth of tunnels that now form the foundation of their subterranean city.   Athendon owes its reputation as a hub of arcane knowledge to its inhabitants' specialization in the arcane arts. Mages, sorcerers, and scholars of various magical disciplines congregate within its underground chambers, sharing their wisdom, conducting research, and honing their skills. The city is home to prestigious magical academies, libraries filled with ancient tomes, and laboratories where ambitious wizards experiment with potent spells and enchantments.   Athendon is the home of one of the few remaining churches dedicated to Tavos, God of the Storm. Built around a unique crystalline structure that bears the resemblance to lightning.    The relationship between Athendon and the Clan cities is one of symbiosis. The citizens of Athendon often trade their arcane services, artifacts, and knowledge, while they import valuable resources, craftsmanship, and sturdy defenses from the rest of the Clan. This synergy has fostered a strong bond between the two communities, forging an alliance that ensures their survival and prosperity in the face of the Frozen Desolation above.   Life within Athendon is centered around the pursuit of magical studies. The city boasts grand academies, magical workshops, and mystical guilds where students and practitioners of the arcane arts gather to learn, collaborate, and push the boundaries of magical understanding. The city's architecture reflects its magical nature, with shimmering crystals embedded in the walls, enchanted lighting illuminating the underground streets, and intricate sigils etched into the pathways.   Despite the challenges presented by the perpetual winter above, the people of Athendon have managed to create a vibrant society that celebrates magic, knowledge, and the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants. It is a sanctuary where humans with arcane inclinations can thrive, protected from the harsh realities of the Frozen Desolation and united by their shared passion for the mystic arts.
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