Atonver Settlement in Eglorix | World Anvil
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"If you are looking for luxury, I mean old-fashioned decadent luxury then you won't find much better. Old sandstone pools with water that never goes cold, looking over gorgeous sunsets, all the food and drink you can imagine, a nightlife that never ceases to surprise. That's Atonver the "Zevalon Jewel." Of course, it has everything for traders, shipwrights, farmers, whatever you need for a great expedition into the unknown or any other mundane need. "
  Atonver is the most northern port inside the protection of the Waters of Stokemar, thriving on Lux and Dane's trade routes. One of the last great Zevalon Ports.  

Strange wind

Once a little fishing village named Charger, a storm blew in a damaged Zevalon trading vessel and all that changed. That vessel was bearing an up-and-coming Zevalon noble named Watchful Atonver. While his ship was being repaired he saw an opportunity in the small town. It had warm winds from the sea and a good location. Within a year of his visit, he was able to convince the dynasty to give him the province and most importantly the city.  Most of the nobles viewed it as a slight, the province was too far from Newces to be a valuable appointment they believed. Watchful Atonver had been to many of the other noble's cities and had observed closely.  He knew where they were weak and a simple facade hiding impoverished locals who hated what their city had become.  

The Last Best Thing

When he arrived in Charger he built up the town first. Increased the port and built real shipyards, infrastructure and industry. He built up the piers, the Brick Piers district, and the shipyard, Roc's Wharf. He made the people of Charger his best asset and let that work for him. The facilities drew in ships and trading company contracts. A few small, inconspicuous, Dynasty contracts to bolster the coffers but nothing flashy. Soon the city came to his villa saying we needed to expand for our customers and our people. So he did, the Garden Market district and Pool quarter were the first to begin the cities ascent into luxury. Followed by Candle Market, Servant's Farthing, and Titan's Wharf for larger ships and luxury vessels.  As the city began to grow it attracted the eyes of the nobles drawing them away from the other ports, they came for the winter season and invested further building the city. Within a decade it was the one of the top spots in the Dynasty. The last of the Dynasty's noble ports.   


When war came to Dane with the invasion from the Sira’Kahn, Atonver's shipyards and trading capabilities further expanded place in the Dynasty. It was one of the closes ports to the frontlines that remained secure during the War of Empires. When the war came to an abrupt end and the rebellion started Atonver was able to use its political pull and strength to remain a neutral port. Some claimed this was sessesion from the empire where the noblity used it as a place to harbor thier assets. Providing the emerging Jote and the Dynasty with access to the Port and its recources made for lucrative and tricky business. When the Dynasty finally fell becoming the Gosan Theocracy Atonver and its sheltered former nobility brokered a deal and joined the Kingdom of Jote.   


Atonver has been able to maintan through out the Age of of Isolation thanks to the Waters of Stokemar and is begining to grow again with the 4th Epoch upon us. The heritage and culture if Atonver is strong. Its people are proud of its heritage and work to maintain it where the Kingdom of Phev seems to work hard to deny its past.  


With Atonver's rapic rise and growth there is the cost of resources. Atonver is built out of its own sandstone so while the surface grew up the city beneath grew down. This was all within Watchful Atonver's design. The upper layers of the undercity compliment the upper area, providing depth to what was a flat uninteresting city. The old undercity is nearly as sought after as its upper areas with unique architecture to bring light and air into the carefully laid out and mined sandstone. In the years after his reign the planning became less and less intentional. The lower undercity is a maze of tunnels and dead ends lending itself to a those that would rather not be found or can't stay anywhere else. The lower undercity has grown with Atonver in the third and forth epoch providing services and goods that are questionable in legality.  

Industrial Defense

When the defensive walls of Atonver were built they used the Sandstone immediatly infront of the walls, creating deep and wide moats through the city and on its outsides. These moats were eventually connected to the sea and allowed for improved access to the inner and outer city for trade. Special moat boats were built to allow goods to be moved around the city without ever needed to be transfered to land. The channels are gaurded from the sea to insure the cities security however those that know thier way around Atonver may find ways into the undercity from the moats.


The Kingdom of Jote allows Atonver the right to elect a mayor from within. This is on the understanding that the mayor is the representative of the crown and serves under its good graces.


The City is surrounded by massive and ancient walls. With deep moats that lead to the Sea.

Industry & Trade

Atonver is a major trade hub and one of Jote's primary shipyards. Due to the stability of the Waters of Stokemar Atoner was able to survive as a trade hub through the Age of Isolation providing Jote an edge in the 4th epoch.


  • Brick Piers
  • Candle Market
  • Charger's Village
  • Garden Market
  • Pool Quarter
  • Roc's Wharf
  • Servant's Farthing
  • Titan's Wharf


In the latter years of the 2nd epoch, Charger as it was called back then, was a small fishing village that was blessed with favorable winds and clear waters. These are the things that attracted the attention of the Zevalon noble, Watchful Atonver. He converted the peaceful town into a luxurious escape for Zevalon nobles during the latter years of the Dynasty.


The city's architecture is dominated by the Zeavalon Dynasty's final era. The motifs and styling has been maintained as the city has expanded and the Dynasty has fallen. Being one of the few remaining ports of the Dynasty this heritage has been maintained to make Atonver unique.


Built on a large coastal sandstone deposit with a river that opens into the sea.
Alternative Name(s)
Zevalon Jewel
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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