The Elemental Plane Geographic Location in Edda | World Anvil
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The Elemental Plane

In the cosmology of The Planar Star Map there exists the 3rd Realm, the Elemental Plane. It's a land where the forces of nature's energy fling wildly about and spawn life in strange ways. Strangest of all is its common inhabitants, the Genasi. While these are usually known as the half-elementals that populate the Material Realm, those who are formed and live within the Elemental Planes are referred to the same way.   Within the Elemental Plane, there are four main divisions, each with its own society and way of living, although all give fealty to their King or Queen.   Those who live in the Kingdom of Copper Flames, a mostly desert nation with some rocky volcanic mountains and heated caverns, work hard to smelt the unique irons and steels of the nation into just about anything, especially within their towering capital of Messingtårn.   To its east, there is the Kingdom of Platinum Earth, a land of mostly rolling hills and deep chasms, with some high peaks at its eastern-most edges as well. There, the people live peacefully either underneath the hills or tilling the hardy land for produce and precious gems alike, sending all to its cavernous capital of Platina-Dalen.   To the south of the Platinum Earth, there is the snowy Surface Realm of the Kingdom of Silver Waters, an ice-covered plain with hardly any mountains to speak of, but with many strange snowy forests and orchards. This is only half of the vast kingdom, however, as there is also the Sea Realm of the Kingdom of Silver Waters, which is mostly off the coast of the Surface Realm, but certain areas exist all around the Elemental Plane. These people live off of fishing, snow-fruit growing, and underwater mining to survive. It has two capitals, the surface capital of Sølv Snø and the sea capital of Sølvhav.   Lastly, to the far west of all these nations, there is the Kingdom of Golden Wind, a set of loosely connected townships all under the rulers, filled with golden fields of grain and wheat unlike any seen anywhere else. Its capital is the castle-city bored into the side of a strangely circular mountain, Gyldent-Tempel.   Each kingdom is watched over by its respective rulers, but that does not mean they're at peace. If a piece of land is claimed by those loyal to the kingdom, then each ruler has a special artifact known as "The Heart of the Progenitor" which infuses the captured with that Progenitor's unique elemental energy. Additionally, there are many locations where this combative energy fuses and intermingles, causing a variety of elemental effects, including sections of each kingdom that have fusion elementals.


Each of the four nations has different landscapes, but generally, the northern and eastern edges of the Elemental Planes habitable land are filled with tall mountains, a buffer against the chaotic forces of magic outside of it, whereas the western and southern edges are lower, and give way to reefs and shelves under the water. In the chaotic zones at the center of the nation, anything can happen, and very often it shifts and changes with the alteration of the lands around it.


There are many unique animals created and infused with the energy of the elements, but many of them resemble the material plane in one way or another. In terms of environment, none of the regions are inhospitable, although they do take after their elemental alignments. Copper Flames has warmer temperatures, Silver Water has cooler temperatures, and Golden Wind and Platinum Earth are rather temperate, like cool damp earth and a soft breeze.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to the set elemental nature of each of the lands, the Elemental Plane doesn't have much of a seasonal cycle, instead of having moments where the inherent elemental cores are stronger or weaker throughout a 360-day cycle, with each element, along with a neutral period, being given 72 days.

Localized Phenomena

Each area has its own elemental phenomena. Waterspouts, dust devils, minor earthquakes, lava bursts, etc. Where it gets really chaotic is when elements fuse together. This can create miles of muddy swampland, quicksand, steam geysers, lightning storms, and more that are insanely deadly to trek through.


  • Elemental Plane
Alternative Name(s)
The Nest of Power
Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Organizations


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