The Purrfect Menagerie Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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The Purrfect Menagerie

Created with help from Big_Guy_Bungus
The Purrfect Menagerie is an illicit "pet shop" located in the southern Banka District of Mantlemine. It is run by Cara Shadowpaw, a skilled smuggler and sailor of The Emerald Claws who when not working with the gang, sells the interesting creatures she discovers and captures on her travels to the highest bidder. Although Cara is fond of her creatures and doesn't like to see them hurt, she accepts that most of her customers don't purchase her rare creatures for companionship. The Purrfect Menagerie has a strict code of not selling or capturing creatures of an intellect similar to or greater than an ape.

Purpose / Function

Originally a cartography shop called Marly's Maps whose owner couldn't pay the The Emerald Claws' dues, Cara Shadowpaw took over and transformed the shop into a creature shop with a front as a cartography shop. This front only extends to the outside of the building, and it is immediately apparent that it is not a cartography shop when you enter. The city guards leave her alone out of fear for not only The Emerald Claws but also for her pet panther Shadow.


The outside of the building hasn't been altered since Cara took over, making the outside resemble a cartography shop, suffering from neglect.


The outside of the building resembles a stone cartography shop with a red roof called "Marly's Maps" that is suffering from neglect. You can hear the sounds of animals when you get close, and when you enter you immediately realize it is not a cartography shop. The shop smells of animal droppings, and the front door enters directly into the main room. The main room is stacked with cages containing the more common creatures that are for sale. Opposite the front door is a wooden counter which Cara Shadowpaw sits at, and hanging above it is a hammock where Shadow, Cara's pet black panther, lounges.


The citizens of the Banka district know to fear Cara's pet black panther Shadow, who watches over the shop diligently while Cara is away.


  • Various unintelligent common animals you wouldn't find around the Montane Flat or Ruthoria (kept in front or back depending on animal rarity)
  • Pon-pons for 10 GP a bird (kept in the front)
  • pygmy griffon for 1,000 GP (kept in the back)
  • An undead, skeletal cat for 150 GP (kept in the front)
  • giant Fire Beetle for 200 GP (kept in front)
  • A guard drake for 3,000 GP (kept in the back)
  • A seemingly indestructible egg with bird legs sticking out that Cara doesn't know much about for 20 GP (kept in the front)
  •  A giant lizard for 1,700 GP (kept in back)
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