The Mysteritorium Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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The Mysteritorium (Mys-teer-e-tori-um)

The Mysteritorium is tucked away in a narrow alley of Mantlemine's southern Banka District, accessible only to those who know the secret knock and password. The proprietor, Malachi Soragano, is an expert in arcane knowledge (no the arcane arts, he is not a mage) and deals in rare and powerful magical items. However, his merchandise often comes with a catch or a curse, hidden within the enchantment. He enjoys testing the knowledge and intuition of his customers, delighting in their curiosity and willingness to take risks.   Sometimes, Malachi is known to "see something" in a passerby who comes upon his shop, letting them in without a password.   Being in the southern Banka District, The Mysteritorium pays a fine to The Emerald Claws for being a business running in their territory. This fine only mildly annoys Malachi, though it never bothers him enough to move his shop elsewhere or do anything about it.

Purpose / Function

The Mysteritorium acts as a sort of storage space for Malachi's large magical collection, which he sometimes decides to open for visitors who may be interested in his wares.


The outside of the shop is located in a dark alley and doesn't stick out at all except for the purple wood door with a foggy window made to look like a ritual circle. The window is one way, and it is impossible to look into the shop from the outside. Inside the dimly lit shop, shelves are lined with jars containing bizarre ingredients, dusty tomes of forbidden spells, and magical artifacts of uncertain origin. The only source of light is a single candle that burns with a purple flame, blanketing the various streams of cloth that hang from the ceiling in a violet glow. The streams of cloth arent just for aesthetic reasons, and some of Malachi's collection lay nestled and hidden from view within the purple canopy.


Malachi may not be a spellcaster, but he has a rudimentary understanding of his items and knows how to use them to his advantage.


The Mysteritorium is not really known outside of Mantlemine. However, mention of it can be found in the many biographies of famous adventures who were graced with the privilege of entering.


Shop, Magic
Parent Location


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