The Emerald Claws Organization in Ebresia | World Anvil
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The Emerald Claws

The Emerald Claws are a gang of criminals based in the city of Mantlemine. They are known for their discreet ways of influence, controlling their territory from the shadows through trickery, blackmail, and addiction. All members of The Claws get a tattoo of a claw mark in green ink on their right shoulder, which they usually leave exposed out of pride.


The Emerald Claws is run from the shadows by Kildrealth, The Conspirator. Although Kildrealth lives far from Mantlemine, she still maintains a strong hold over her underlings. She uses a crystal ball of telepathy to give orders to her most trusted minions such as Ezzellebub Porkeichu and Arterry Rodman. Nobody in Mantlemine knows her true name or form as a green dragon, referring to her only as The Conspirator.



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