Tip, Skip, and Froid Character in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Tip, Skip, and Froid (Tip skip and fro-y-d)

Tip, Skip, and Froid are dim-witted kobolds who run Bitz n' botsz in Mantlemine's southern Banka District under the collective name of "Tiskif". The three brothers usually run their shop in a trenchcoat, Tip on the bottom, Skip in the middle, and Froid on top doing the talking. They are all members of The Emerald Claws.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tip, being the oldest, is the largest and strongest of the trio. Skip is the physically weakest and Froid is somewhere between. Despite Tip being larger and stronger than the others, he is still a frail kobold.

Apparel & Accessories

All three of the brothers wear nothing but loincloths, though when stacked on top of each other they wear a worn trenchcoat and go by the name of "Tiskif". Froid, whos on the top of the totem pole, usually wears a fedora to complete the disguise. All three of them have Emerald Claws green claw tattoos on their right shoulders.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Among them, Skip is considered the brains of everything they do, while in reality, they're all equally stupid.
Current Location
Current Residence
A back room in Bitz n' botsz
All he/him
All male
All masculine
All orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
All red scales
Tip 2'6, Skip 2'1, Froid 2'4
Tip 47 lbs, Skip 31 lbs, Froid 42 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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