Red Jewel's Bounty Building / Landmark in Ebresia | World Anvil
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Red Jewel's Bounty

Red Jewel's Bounty is a general store in the northern portion of Mantlemine's Key District. It is run by the halfling Dorphney Frunklebottom, who pays The Crimson Knives to allow her to run her business in their territory.

Purpose / Function

To provide a place for the citizens of Mantlemine to purchase everyday goods they may need.


Red Jewel's Bounty is a wooden building in the Key District with a sign hanging above the door that reads "Red Jewel's Bounty" next to a painted crimson jewel. The inside is very generic, with barrels of supplies placed around the main room.


  • Most items on page 150 of the Player's Handbook (adventuring gear)
  • Holy symbols in the form of cheap amulets depicting the icon of Waukeen, Mask, Bane, Chauntea, Mystra, or Hoar.
  • Bottleseed seeds for 1 CP a seed, usually sold in bags of 10 for 1 SP
  • A ring of mind shielding for 450 gp (Dorphney purchased it for a pretty penny under the pretense of it being a magical ring, though whenever she puts it on a man's voice viciously insults her in her mind)
Shop, Generic
Parent Location


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