The Crimson Knives Organization in Ebresia | World Anvil
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The Crimson Knives

The Crimson Knives are a gang of criminals based in the city of Mantlemine. They are known for their brutality, controlling their territory fiercely through fear, violence, and addiction. All members of The Knives get a tattoo of a dagger in crimson ink on their left shoulder, which they usually leave exposed out of pride.


The Crimson Knives are led by a sadistic human named Suskut Ravasvu, who leads the gang with an iron fist. Any sense of disloyalty within the gang never goes unnoticed, or unpunished. Below Suskut are his favorite underlings; Steintler and Writney the Ripper.


  • Smuggling: The Crimson Knives run various smuggling operations through Mantlemine and the rest of the Ruthorian Empire, and often peddle many varieties of illicit goods. They often use the ports of Gratlet's Grave for oversea smuggling.
  • Ratlin Coy: The Crimson Knives pulled some strings and planted Ratlin Coy, a person loyal to them, as the guild master of the Mantlemine miner's guild.
  • Writney the Ripper: Writney is a prominent member of The Crimson Knives and is the leader of Mantlemine's wererat population, making most of if not all of the wererats in the city loyal to the Knives. These ratmen are used in a variety of ways, most of which involve murder, making The Crimson Knive's Wererat gangs feared among Mantlemine's population.


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