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United States of North America

The United States of North America is an economic and military federation of the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico, with several other secondary members in Central America. The USNA operates an expansive space program and controls a sizable portion of Earth, The Moon, and Mars, over a dozen solar systems, and a number of smaller military and research outposts across many other systems. They are at the forefront of the Interspecies War.


The USNA Government is composed of two branches; the Executive and Legislature.   The Executive is headed by a Joint Office of the US President, Mexican President, and the Canadian Prime Minister. These individuals are elected by their respective countries and jointly run the USNA. Sometimes things can get gridlocked due to disagreement and the split power structure, but usually the Joint Office works together well to accomplish important policy directions. The Legislative Branch consists of two houses; the American Council, a small group of Appointed Counselors and Agency Directors, and the wider Senate, which is elected democratically and includes offworld representatives. Power is further divided between government agencies and the Military's six branches.   Beneath the National government is the three Member States of the US, Canada, and Mexico. Each has their own "federal" government followed by states, counties, and local governments. Though nominally the countries still act somewhat independently, they have since lost a lot of power to the USNA. Canada is slightly more independent than the others, since it also maintains membership in the Commonwealth   The USNA also consists of several other Secondary members, consisting of several Central American countries and offworld colonies. These Secondary members can recieve representation in the Senate, but not Council or Executive power.

Public Agenda

The USNA, under ordinary circumstances, can vary widely depending on the administration in charge. It has a diverse political landscape with a number of left and right wing parties, as well as region-based politics between the three primary countries. The most dominant political parties are the pro-USNA Union Party, the conservative Republican Party (which absorbed Canada's conservatives and Mexico's PAN), the liberal Democratic Party, and the Democratic Labor Party (a combination of Canada's liberal party and several Mexican parties).   Smaller parties also may hold power in local elections, especially ethnic and national groups after the North American Unification. These include the Green Party, Bloq Quebeqous, Latin Seperation Party, American First Party, Libertarian Party, and United Colonies Party.

Demography and Population

The USNA population, as of the last census prior to the war, counts to about 16 Billion people spread out across about 30 planets. Most of these people live in urban environments on particularly established worlds. Namely, these are Earth, Mars, Epsilon Eridani, and Epsilon Indi. However, these high population areas are mostly relative. On Earth, their most densely-populated planet, the USNA population is only 528 million. Other planets tend to hold much smaller numbers of people. Ever since warp technology made colonization fast and easy, the population has been continuously spreading out to other planets in the warp-local space.


The USNA consists of its three Founding Members: the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Secondary members include; El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. The USNA also controls most of Mercury and Mars, some of the Moon, other scattered solar system objects, and colonies throughout human space.   Some also consider the South American Federation to be little more than a puppet of the USNA, though they are nominally independent.


The USNA military is directly descended from the United States, which then combined with the Canadian military to create what it is today. The military and has Five main branches, each with a long and valuable tradition of distinguished service in their respective domain: the Army, the Navy, the Marines, the Air Force, and the Space Force. There are also a variety of smaller divisions and offices that include, but are not limited to, the Coast Guard, DARPA, the Cybersecurity Command, and the Mariner division. All of these organizations operate underneath the Secretary of Defense, who reports directly to the President of the United States. Most of the military's divisions operate their headquarters on Earth or Mars.   Currently, the US military is the single largest organization in human space, bolstered by a high number of recruits and a mandatory draft. Their ranks number well over 100 Million. However, they have also been the most affected by the brunt of the war, so military casualties already number in the millions.

Technological Level

The USNA, alongside nations such as the European Confederacy, China, and India, has been on the cutting edge of technology for a long time. American scientists succeeded in the first landing on the moon and the first landing on Mars. NASA also innovated in fusion technology, and an American physicist was the first to calculate a viable solution to the Alcubierre Warp Drive. Its military vehicles, especially the ones designed for space travel, are highly prized and bought for a premium by many of their allies.   However, in comparison to the technology employed by the Ravens, the United States is rudimentary by comparison. The only edge that the USNA has over their foe is more experience in designing military-grade vehicles, which allows their current weapon's to roughly match the Ravens ship for ship. Strategic analysts warn that, as the war drags on longer and longer, chances are the Ravens will develop more military-capable hardware and gain a significant military advantage.


Traditionally, the United States has always been a majority-protestant nation, while Canada and Mexico have historically been dominated by Catholicism . However, in the 21st century immigration from other countries and the internal growth of Atheism has created a permanent majority-minority population. The largest group of religions is still Protestantism, but they maintain a measly 30% of the population. Atheism, Agnosticism, or some other variety comes in at second with about 25%. The Catholic church currently hovers at about 18%, the LDS (sometimes called mormon) church about 17%, Islamic religions about 6%, and the remaining 4% falls into other categories, such as Judaism or Hinduism.   Even compared to other developed, first world countries, the USNA has a strong history of protecting religious rights and freedoms. This was codified into law as early as the First amendment to the constitution of the United States and has been maintained even when other countries moved into varying forms of enforced secularism or established state religions. A large number of these religious individuals descend from immigrants who fled the European Confederacy, which for the past few centuries have enacted laws and regulations that specifically targeted religion (as of right now, with exceptions in some countries such as the UK and Italy, Europe is oppressively Atheist).

Light of the West

Founding Date
July 4th, 2081
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
The United States of America, The North American Federation
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
The North American Dollar
Legislative Body
The American Council and North American Senate
Judicial Body
The USNA has a weak Supreme Court, followed by a number of inferior district circuits
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items
Related Items

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Cover image: by jmcninja
  • 1492

    America's discovered by Western Europe
    Discovery, Exploration

    Three ships, led by Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus, landed on the American continent

    Additional timelines
  • 1607

    14 May

    Jamestown founded in present-day Virginia

    Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America, is established

    Additional timelines
  • 1620

    11 November

    Mayflower Compact Signed
    Civil action

    This was the signing of the Mayflower Compact by Puritans who landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Noted as the first governing document created for an English colony in the Americas.

    Additional timelines
  • 1756

    17 May

    15 February

    7 Year's war (French and Indian War)
    Military action

    A significant war in European History that spanned the globe and played a significant role in starting the American Revolution

    Additional timelines
  • 1776

    4 July

    3 September

    American Revolution

    A colonial revolt by British Colonies in the Americas, with the goal of independence. It founded the United States, one of the most influential countries on Earth, and is noted as one of the few successful revolutions.

    Additional timelines
  • 1787

    25 May

    17 September

    US Constitutional Convention
    Gathering / Conference

    The convention that ratified the US constitution, which established the first Federal Republican system. Praised for its notable separation of powers and protections of rights.

    Additional timelines
  • 1796

    George Washington Steps down
    Political event

    George Washington, the first president of the United States, steps down after a precedent-setting two-term presidency. While his entire life and presidency was historically-significant, this peaceful-transition of power was particularly important for American development.

  • 1803

    4 July

    Louisiana Purchase
    Diplomatic action

    This purchase of a significant amount of land from France nearly doubled the size of the United States.

  • 1846

    25 April

    3 February

    American-Mexican War
    Military action

    A war between the US and Mexico that, though insignificant on its own, exasperated problems that eventually cumulated in the Civil War.

  • 1914


    World War 1
    Military action

    World War 1, a conflict that began after the assassination of an Austria-Hungary leader, spanned the globe and caused massive destruction in Europe. It left many nations in ruins and set the stage for the far more destructive second world war.

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  • 1929


    The Great Depression
    Financial Event

    A worldwide economic downturn that particularly affected the United States and portions of Europe

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  • 1939

    1 September

    2 September

    World War Two
    Military action

    The Second World War, fought between the Axis and Allied powers, was and still is the single worst war ever fought by humanity. Over 40 million people were killed as a direct result of the fighting, while the effects it had on the world were felt for decades afterwards.

    Additional timelines


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Oct 25, 2019 00:29 by Jimmy Shrekson

Dozens of solar systems... holy crap how much of their flag is just full of stars from how many states that must add up to? Imagine being a kid that gets told "draw the flag" in kindergarten and having to count up to and fit 4000 onto the flag. Anyhow your United States seems to have much coolness, very unlike my United States that lost a war to some unification-obsessed nerds.

Oct 25, 2019 02:03 by Jacob C

Who knows? Maybe they just give up and make the entire blue part white.   Fun Fact: When I was creating the flag image I was planning to have just fifty stars, but I forgot to count so I don't even know how many stars it has (probably like 80 or something).

Oct 25, 2019 12:29 by Jimmy Shrekson

Okay I gotta admit I did something a little similar... my "CHG" world had a United States as part of the backstory to the United Human Nation... which is part of the backstory to the Centralized Human Government. Anyway I ended up making 3/4 of the flag blue and white with stars. I'd suggest a picture of Earth but a flag should be inclusive of all those within it (since ~500 million of the US's are on Earth yet its population is at 13 billion, meaning that only a minority would be represented) and it's clear that neither of our US's control the entirety of Holy Terra, which would also piss off other powers and make diplomacy that slight bit harder that it doesn't have to be. Using a symbol of humanity itself might go a lot better, particularly since it seems that your US is populated solely by humans: skulls, fists, swords (weapons HUMANs have been using for ages), or eagles for a militaristic power. Less militaristic would be eagles again, an out-reaching hand, hand-holding, a human face, etc. damnthatdontletmebegonememebykorumaonyoutubeisprettygooddamnthatdontletmebegonememebykorumaonyoutubeisprettygooddamnthatdontletmebegonememebykorumaonyoutubeisprettygood That said real historical nations have often goofed up on their own flag designs, so it would be funny to have that guy who constantly points out "our flag is stupid we should change it".

Oct 25, 2019 18:07 by Jacob C

The real-life Confederacy had to change their flag twice because the first one looked so similar to the Union flag that their own armies kept shooting at each other, and their second flag had to be changed because it always looked like they were surrendering. Someone got fired.   I very purposefully decided that I wanted my focus country to not be the only human country on Earth, rather than humanity being one big federation or central government, because I wanted to make sure diplomatic things could still happen. Cause, you know, its a bit hard to have diplomacy plots when the non-human languages sound like untranslatable gibberish. Maybe humanity will be allowed to unify once they figure out what the heck those aliens are saying.

Oct 26, 2019 12:32 by Jimmy Shrekson

Confederacy was clearly very Big Brain with flag designs. It makes sense for humanity not to be a single nation: even if a federation forms against an outside threat it's unlikely such a federation will last once the threat is removed if said federation isn't economically beneficial enough or the populace aren't big enough fans of the idea of a united humanity. The only real way I can think of is if the outside threat is consistently present for a long enough time that people no longer identify as British or Indian or etc but instead as humans.