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SB-70 Falcon

Although it is officially classified as a type of light Corvette, pilots and most USSF crew call them heavy bombers. The job of these 200 ft ships is to inflict serious damage against capital ships with up to 60 anti-ship ballistic missiles that can be loaded with nuclear and non-nuclear warheads. It also carries 4 heavy weapons bays, 4 heavy cannons (for limited use against enemy fighters), and a light railgun. Any of these weapons can be turned on ground targets to inflict catastrophic, continent-leveling damage from the safety of orbit. However, it is nearly incapable of any atmospheric flight. Variants of the vessel include extended reconnaissance versions, electronic warfare versions, and basic cargo carriers.

Power Generation

The vessel's power is generated by the Enriched fusion/antimatter reactor system. Most of it is dedicated solely to running the power-intensive engines and D-Field systems.


The vessel relies on its four IC-Fusion rockets, with integrated rcs thrusters for precision maneuvering. These are capable of producing up to 30 g of constant forward thrust, though this is far beyond recommended safe limits. Provided with constant power from the main reaction system, these engines can remain active for up to 16 hours at full throttle.

Weapons & Armament

120 anti-ship ballistic missiles, as well as 4 weapon bays, 4 heavy cannons, and a light railgun

Armor and defense

The primary defense for a Falcon is its D-Fields and other countermeasures against incoming hostile munitions. Often the primary role of the copilot is to engage is electronic warfare to disrupt enemy targeting systems.

Additional & auxiliary systems

One of the most key features on the Falcon is its advanced cooling systems that are integrated into the relatively small vessel. This consists of multiple retractable radiator panels and hyper-compressed liquid coolant mixtures that ensure the many systems that generate heat remain at safe temperatures. These radiators are essential for any extended mission in space to ensure that the crew doesn't slowly boil away under the extreme temperatures produced by the reactor systems.
Owning Organization
698 Million NAD each
Common, but heavily regulated for military use only
206 Ft
140,000 pounds (dry mass) 280,000 pounds (fully equipped and wet mass)
.65 c (maximum achieved), .99 c (theoretical)
Complement / Crew
2-3. One pilot, one copilot, and occasionally one tactical operator
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
none without specific refitting

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Cover image: by jmcninja


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