Georgina Jericho Character in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Georgina Jericho

Shining Maiden.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peak physical condition augmented by her metallic body transformation, her running speed is a bit bellow average and she is not very flexible, agility wise Jericho is generally below average, although this is compensated by her strength.   Her metallic body transformation allows her to have an absurd amount of strength, matching the force of a Punch-Drunk with barely any effort, this also allows her to make big leaps and cover a lot of distance by jumping, which in some way also compensates her lack of agility.

Body Features

Dark purple alligator with light blue legs, neck, lower jaw, and crotch.

Identifying Characteristics

Her unique body colors are result of both of her parents being a third generation result of an Artificial breeding machine.

Physical quirks

Jericho is ambidextrous, when walking she tends to have loud steps, she waves her tail and whole body from side to side as a way of maintaining balance.

Special abilities

At will, she can turn her whole body into a metallic like material very similar to steel, although it isn't actually any metal known to exist naturally on earth. Even though she can turn her whole body into metal at once, she can also turn specific parts at a time.   Since her power comes from an artificial serum/drug and not from the Gworg-21 / The Purple Material she isn't a Hairiyu, although for legal reasons she is considered to be one of them.   Jericho is also a professional Necromancer, preferring to summon Golems of any material she can find around instead of summoning soulless corpses, although she is perfectly capable of doing so.

Apparel & Accessories

Jericho uses red purple shorts with black stripes and a black vest, an utility belt and a golden butterfly shaped necklace.

Specialized Equipment

She carries Orange Energy pearls in her utility belt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to an upper middle class family in the south of Rigantia, Jericho's father was an electrical technician while her mother was a biologist working for Sion Tech, she held a normal life during her childhood years up until a strange disease began to appear resulting in most of her internal organs decaying and starting to rot, she was diagnosed with a maximum of two months of life at the age of ten.   Her mother was developing an experimental serum based on Reyes Puín's DNA samples that Spirit Malloye managed to steal from the Scuilan government for Sion Tech, the main goal was to replicate Reyes' seemingly indestructible physique, although the attempts made until that moment were known to cause the user's body to turn into a metallic like material that ended up killing them after a while, it was never specified why Reyes' DNA made other people's bodies to turn into a metallic like material and in the end they never managed to figure out why that happened.   One of the most recent advancements was made thanks to Jericho's mother, who managed to make the serum to be able to activate and deactivate the metallic material like transformation on the user's body at will, preventing their death due to a permanent transformation. Since the serum also allowed the user to have a slow regenerative factor much like the one Reyes has, Jericho's mother begged Spirit to let them test the serum with her daughter, to which she agreed.   The test resulted in Jericho's organs to stabilize and stop consuming each other, her strange disease disappeared after a few days of being injected with the serum and her ability to turn into metal and go back to normal at will proved to be easy to handle.   After the test was a success, Spirit discovered some spies infiltrating her organization, she was even approached by some governments willing to buy her the serum, to which she decided to hide and delete any trace of the information required for its elaboration, she didn't want it to fall into the hands of a government or people like the D.O.W.A., she wanted to have full control over the serum and over who would have it in their possession, since giving it away would mean that others would also be able to create more augmented people like Reyes and Jericho.   She also protected and hid the development team for their own safety.   After Spirit kept the serum and its information hidden, she tried to use it on herself, although her Vampire psyche prevented the serum from having any effect, Spirit began to suspect that it only worked on Jericho due to her own strange disease, this was latter confirmed by Sion Tech's development team that claimed that the serum shouldn't be able to work as it was right now.   Spirit tried to confront Jericho's mother about it but found out she had accidentally been killed in her own house by her daughter, who in the middle of a tantrum crushed his mother's head with a punch.   Completely terrified, Jericho's father agreed to have her handed over to Spirit, who covered everything to avoid the authorities from investigating and possibly pinpointing her and Sion Tech as indirect responsible for her death by taking part in the elaboration of the serum.   Spirit took her to "Cipher City" more specifically to an old refugee for Hairiyu some sorcerers she worked with in the past had and while Jericho wasn't actually one of them, her unique condition was enough reason for them to allow her to stay. For a while, Spirit felt guilty about what had happened to Jericho and her mother, having felt a bit negligent by not keeping her under surveillance after injecting her the serum.   While living with the sorcerers, she did try to ask them to take her back to her father, but since they couldn't take her to a place where they would probably be looking for her, they decided to bring her father to them instead, although unluckily for her, he didn't want to recognize or have anything to do with her, going even as far as calling her a "monster". The sorcerers immediately took him back to his place and kept raising Jericho for the rest of her childhood and teenage years.   She eventually reflected upon her situation and the events that led her there, not being able to leave to get over her accidental murder of her mother or the fact that her father immediately rejected and was afraid of her, she began to isolate herself, feeling disconnected from most of the people she interacted with while being taken care of by the sorcerers.   Their education system will be described in more depth in another article, although just for this background's sake, and generally speaking, it consisted in them giving their refugees the formal basic education standardized worldwide while selecting some of them they considered to be mentally and emotionally stable enough to be taught about the usage of a specific type of energy as well as some basic notions of the spells they could use with it. The sorcerers in charge of Jericho kept her under surveillance and offered her support over the years and while she did manage to "Forgive" herself for killing her mother, she did not enjoy interacting with other people in fear of accidentally hurting them, she didn't even dare to approach the wild animals or others she would encounter out of fear of killing them.   Her personal caretaker named "Linnéa" was a Fairy who practiced necromancy, she proposed to her superiors the idea of teaching her Orange Energy and necromancy in general, based on the fact that Jericho was not going to hurt anyone given how she isolated herself from others just to avoid hurting them, and that her complex over considering herself a "monster" could be resolved by teaching her how to create Golems of her own, which people already considered to be "monsters" showing her that even when she couldn't stop considering herself as one, she might as well see those other monsters as something positive by having them as companions that will basically do her will and that are in a similar position to her. Reluctantly, the sorcerers made Jericho take the protocol tests given to anyone wishing to learn Necromancy and ultimately allowed Linnéa to be her instructor.   Jericho actually liked to practice Necromancy and over the course of three and a half years, she would master Golem creation and soulless corpse resurrection, although she would admittedly prefer to not use the latter unless she really had to, being concerned about "interrupting the dead's rest", she obtained an official licence to be able to practice Necromancy not to long afterwards.   Needless to say, she would still prefer to stay away from people, surrounding herself with golems of her own creation only finding a real true friend and a mother figure in "Linnéa".   While she was studying Necromancy, the Savage war was raging, Cipher City was inside the nation of Deregan, which was then at war with the nation of Scuila, said city was often considered to be "Neutral ground" as it didn't belong to any nation in specific, having its own administration and being considered the "capital" of sorcerers. The five nations had an agreement that stated that the city must not be attacked, taken or involved in any military action, and that the sorcerers in there had the autonomy of creating their own military defensive force, all while taking refugees at will. Cipher city was about an hour from the frontier of the nation of Rigantia, which was neutral in that war, the government of Cipher City helped refugees from Deregan to escape to Rigantia, who also sent some military forces to the border tasked with aiding them with a temporary relocation inside their own nation.   While this was happening, Scuila took over some other places near the city, and since they were after some targets that were being evacuated through the city, they triggered an alarm as a response to the imminent threat of attack, the government of Cipher City evacuated their non military personnel to Rigantia, while their defensive forces stood to defend the place with the help of the armed forces Rigantia sent to assist them.   Jericho was one of those sent to Rigantia while Linnéa was one of those tasked with staying behind to defend the place.   Unfortunately, Scuila attacked Cipher city when a convoy of refugees tried to escape through the city to Rigantia, since this convoy had a military target, Scuila started a full scale attack to take over the city, failing to take over the city. This violation of the agreement that kept the city as neutral ground made the nation of Rigantia to declare war on Scuila while taking the side of Deregan, while the nations of Liyunem and Kerembai cut their commercial trades with them.   Linnéa died during one of the assaults, the notice soon reached Jericho, who was so devastated by this, that after Cipher City and the surrounding areas were taken back by Deregan with the help of Rigantia, she enlisted herself in the armed forces and while she had no previous experience in combat, the lack of forces in that region and her status as both a super powered individual and a necromancer made the authorities to ultimately allow her to take part in an assault team sent to push towards the city of Latvia in Scuila, with the intention of going through the adjacent cities of Epristan and Arcacia to ultimately reach the capital of Croydor. Since the Pristine desert which was a middle point between Epristan and Latvia was actually really close to a coast where Scuila limited with Deregan, they had a huge geographic advantage that allowed them to take Latvia while positioning in the desert and ultimately taking over Epristan as well, making Scuila move their capital away from Croydor towards a more central location in the center of the country.   Since Jericho made part of a reptile species designed to thrive in hot temperatures, she was part of the many Deregan forces that took over Epristan and that were ultimately tasked with staying in the city while other cold climate species were sent to take over Croydor.   After being stationed there for some time, she was relocated to the Pristine Desert. Eventually, Scuila took back Epristan and pushed the forces of Deregan out of the desert and Latvia, Jericho had a clash with Agatha Moretti who was aiding the Scuila assault force that pushed them out of the Desert. Agatha couldn't even harm her, the Gribasspēks wasn't enough to cut through her metallic body and the Golems she kept summoning were eventually going to overrun her. Their fight was interrupted by Kotkas Skrastiņš and more specifically her companion Spirit Malloye / Jessica Hurler which at that time were traveling through the Desert with the hopes of reaching Epristan and then another location. Jericho still remembered Spirit, who convinced her to stop fighting and retire back to Cipher City, even going as far as asking her to accompany her on her journey, to which Jericho refused, stating to want to be left alone for the time being. Letting them go and after the defeat of Deregan, she avoided being taken as a prisoner of war by escaping through the coast with some other retreating forces.   She wasn't deployed again and after a the war ended, she refused to go back to Cipher city and started her own personal journey, venturing all over the world trying to "Find herself" all while trying to pick a place she could settle on.   After a while, and since being in the war only made her feel more aggravated, the anger and sadness she felt for Linnéa and all the people she lost made her feel the need to run away, feeling a huge pressure she couldn't really explain, ending up living deep inside a jungle in south Deregan, living away from any society.   To make the matters worse, she soon realized that her whole reason for isolating herself back when she was a teenager was out of fear of hurting others, and that being an active combatant in the war out of pure rage after the death of Linnéa only turned her into a hypocrite, feeling guilty for having caused more harm than that she promised herself to not cause during her childhood/teenage years.   A few months later, she was found sleeping on top of one of her Golems by Corvul Tadeo who was on an expedition to investigate a rumor about a couple of Lycans roaming the area, he wanted to capture them to be able to study them.   Corvul asked her for directions or any information regarding both Lycans and while she didn't know anything about it, she was more than gladly to help him out, stating that she did not want to take the chances of encountering them by surprise.   Since Corvul's Androids didn't manage to locate them, Jericho used her Golems to track them down to a small cave next to a river they had taken as a den, it took them two whole days since the area they were looking in was huge and ultimately they found that the couple had three cubs and that they were not able to turn back into their normal selves, Corvul explained that they wouldn't transform back unless they felt safe, and given the hostile environment, they were forced to stay as beasts to protect their offspring.   With the help of his androids, Corvul managed to capture them so he could take them into his own personal bunker to study them, Jericho expressed her concern over him taking them and never releasing them again, threatening to not let him take them unless he could prove that he would take care of them and release them as soon as they went back to normal.   Corvul then explained her his whole plan about the city he was building, being planned for species close to extinction wanting to take Lycans in as well since he considered that while they were not immediately endangered, they would be sometime soon due to the constant pursue from hunter groups that wanted to extinguish any trace of the Lycan bacteria from the earth.   Jericho actually agreed with his plan and offered him her help, stating that saving lives in the way he was doing was probably the way she could get over her guilt, wanting to redeem herself by helping him with the endangered species project.   Corvul did not want to include her at first and proposed to introduce her to his current employees in The Kraai asking them to include her into their armed personnel, and if she passed, he would personally ask them to transfer her to help him directly.   Accepting the offer, she soon was recruited by the Kraai and tasked with being part of the patrols that would defend their stations located in the city of Epristan, which she was kind of familiarized with after being stationed there during the war. While "patrolling" was her official job, she was also Corvul's assistant who could go to his aid at any given time he would need her to.   Currently she owns a house up in the north of Epristan and helps Corvul locate and capture any exotic species they might find, as well as taking care sometimes of his bunker while he or his androids can't be around, being tasked with escorting certain target and patrolling specific places the Kraai owns around the city every once in a while.


Heterosexual, although a bit curious.


After being raised by sorcerers, she learned the general concepts and use of magic specializing in necromancy, and after she ventured all over the world she took it upon herself to learn zoology, which is a career normally applied on the Hybrid's animal counterparts that has been modified ever since human times, merging with what would be known as anthropology to create a whole other study branch of its own that revolves around the study of Hybrids.   While Jericho did not had a formal study on this, her need to approach living life in general pushed her curiosity and made her look into it, investing some years of her life to study and practice it autonomously.


Before the Savage war and as it took place, Jericho was considered by the sorcerers to take part in the defensive lines of Cipher City but she was ultimately dismissed for being practically inexperienced and being too young.   When Linnéa died, Jericho volunteered into Deregan's army, who at first were going to dismiss her on the same grounds the sorcerers did before, although they did allow her to join their ranks due to a lack of personnel, she served in the army up until the end of the war. Afterwards, she became a nomad that would live off any kind of job she would find at any place she ventured.   After meeting Corvul, he would introduce her to The Kraai who would later recruit her and under Corvul's request, assign her to be his assistant.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Generally speaking, almost every assignment given to her by the Sorcerers, Deregan's army, and the Kraai, were a success to her, objectively speaking.   On a personal level she doesn't feel like she has accomplished anything other than isolating herself from others, that is why she is so keen in helping Corvul, wanting to find redemption in helping him save the lives of rare species as well as trying to find a friend in the later.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her biggest regret was to isolate herself from literally everyone,only managing to get close to a single person in her whole life, a person who would later die, leaving her alone.   She is embarrassed to admit she killed her mother, and although it was accidentally and she eventually got over it, it is a load that hasn't been able to get off her shoulder. The same goes for her father in some way, after the cruel way he rejected her, she has been trying to forget about him, considering him to be dead.   After the war she became a bit depressive over the fact that she made more harm than what she was supposed to prevent by isolating herself while growing up, regretting having acted out of pure rage over Linnéa's death.

Mental Trauma

To begin with, Jericho lives with many regrets that she hasn't been able to let go, from isolating herself to having harmed others in the war.   She gets really anxious when questioned about her family, and to be frank, she didn't knew anyone other than her own parents, for some reason they wouldn't tell or take her to the rest of the family, and after being rejected by her own father she didn't even dared to look into her other relatives.   Jericho is a bit dependent of what others think about her, trying hard to be liked by others with the only goal of feeling she is trying to develop a friendship with someone. Luckily, she has sufficient self appreciation to know her own limits and know what types of people to push away. Despite this, she is still kind of an introvert but constantly overcomes it by trying to have more confidence in her own social skills, and while she still tends to isolate herself from time to time, she pushes herself really hard to not do so.   Lastly, she has quite a lot of frustration built inside of her, some people in the Kraai seem to think it is actually the reason of why her Golems are so powerful and why generally no one should even dare to piss her off, since if she gets angry for any reason, her repressed frustration will most certainly lead her to become really violent.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is good natured and doesn´t normally like confrontations or getting into fights unless someone threatens her safety, her general expertise in survival allows her to thrive in almost every kind of environment except when her body doesn't tolerate its surroundings, like in really cold climates like snow areas.   Having studied by herself, she is quite knowledgeable in history, worldwide cultures, general Hybrid and animal behavior, specifically regarding their structure, evolution, habits, and their interaction with the ecosystem.

Morality & Philosophy

For most part of her life her main goal was to not make any harm to anyone, either it be physical or mental, being a pacifist that liked to do things by the book.   After going through war and Linnéa's death, she understood that while harm had to be avoided at any costs, sometimes going as far as taking a life might be the only real solution to a problem that might come up, her experiences also showed her how her concept of "legality" was incredibly wrong and that at any time in almost every place, people would do as their please and get away with it.   While she is still generally a pacifist, she does have a guilty pleasure when it comes to engaging with others that can withstand her in battle, such as the case of her fight with Agatha Moretti. Currently, and as time goes on, she has stopped being so introverted and calmed, her former pacifist persona quickly diminishes as she is more prone to submit to her frustrations, letting them out on those she has to fight, luckily for her, she is aware of it and has ever since tried to find a solution for it.

Personality Characteristics


Her childhood dream was to be a veterinarian, which in this case does not mix with medicine that would normally be applied to Hybrids and is instead focused in their animal counterparts, just like in human times.   While growing up and up until the Savage war ended, she didn't really had any other motivation other than wanting to stay away from everyone to keep herself from harming others.   Afterwards, she wandered aimlessly around the world, having decided to leave her veterinarian goal behind and focusing on things as they came, wanting to seek some kind of redemption that would compensate the harm she made during her time on the war.   After Corvul Tadeo convinced her of joining his exotic species project, she saw in it an opportunity for achieving the redemption she was looking for, promising to help him gather said species all while working along The Kraai.   Oddly enough, this motivation of seeking redemption has been slowly decaying due to her constant desire of wanting to seek the "Good feeling" she gets when letting her frustrations out on those she has to fight, fortunately, she is aware of this and has been trying to find other ways to relieve herself as well as to keep her from going off her main goal of redeeming the damage she has done.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jericho has photographic memory, is very organized and resourceful, having outstanding survival skills in any environment her body can naturally handle, her crafting skills are extraordinary, being able to build structures and mechanisms out of tools and materials she finds in the wild, being quite knowledgeable about fauna and flora.   Her biggest and worse ineptitude is electronic technology in general, being able to handle only the most basic stuff, struggling to effectively use a computer or an intercomunicator.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes to eat raw meats, swimming, sleeping, building anything she can imagine out of anything she can find outdoors, summoning Golems to accompany her, laying down in the floor to take the sun, and warm temperatures overall.   Dislikes cold weathers, having to destroy or damage something, rain, cloudy days, cats, and she also has a bit of a prejudice against people from Scuila, mostly those who are affiliated with the military or the politicians.

Virtues & Personality perks

Ignoring the fact that she is slowly drifting away from some of this virtues, she is overall good natured, kind, giving, caring, and able to understand other's feelings and emotions, being able to sympathize easily with others while also being actually a good adviser for others while ironically not being able to help herself out as much.   She cares about, and enjoys helping as many people as possible, and has an uncanny ability to approach and get information out of children and even some young adults, who often get attached to her as some sort of mother figure.   Jericho is a firm believer of second chances, having faith in people's ability to change for good.

Vices & Personality flaws

Jericho is a bit cynic, and has progressively started to become more ironic and sarcastic as time goes by, it has been easier for her to leave her pacifism behind and start acting a bit more aggressive, and while she is actively trying to keep herself from going down through this path, its effects still show to some degree.   Aside from that, she has kleptomaniac tendencies, and is afraid of heights and thunder, which completely paralyze her, rendering her a bit defenseless.

Personality Quirks

Her tail wags according to her current emotional state as it would happen to a canine or a feline, its just that it can get to be a bit annoying for her sometimes, since the tail is kind of big and serves as a way to balance her body, waging it can lead her to lose balance and fall to the ground or push and break nearby things.   She can also get to be way more expressive than most people, her body language is pretty easy to read, making her a bad liar and being incredibly hard for her to hide an emotion.


Contacts & Relations

While she does not have any living friends, she can reach out to some people in Deregan's army, some sorcerers in Cipher City and some people in the Kraai, not to mention his direct relation with Corvul Tadeo as an assistant and eventual friend.   Unknowingly to her, Spirit Malloye keeps her under surveillance and even considered inviting her to the Vanguard Patrol after the war but didn't do so after feeling kind of guilty for her situation, feeling a bit weird about having her in the organization, when Jericho joined the Kraai, Spirit regretted not having recruited her first but then figured she could get information on them by keeping a close watch on her.


When walking, Jericho always moves wobbling from one way to the other, her big tail moves along with her, waging, balancing the weight of her body so she doesn´t fall to the ground, this makes her look like she is moving her hips a lot from side to side when moving.   She also had a tendency to walk with her head and shoulders down as if she was sad, although now she keeps her head up and acts generally with more confidence.   If standing still or sitting down, Jericho tends to involuntarily turn into metal and reduce her movement up to the point of getting to successfully be confused for a statue.

Hobbies & Pets

She is a deep sleeper and tends to turn into metal involuntarily while sleeping, and since her breathing is unnoticeable while in this form, she tends to sleep standing up and posing as a statue just for fun. When bored, she sometimes goes very early or very late to some park or public space, turns into metal and stands still for hours, sometimes even a whole day, and while doing so, she also likes to summon some of her Golems to stand still besides her.   This made people notice a strange monument of a metallic alligator and some big stone and iron creatures around her spawning randomly around Epristan, some people eventually figured it out she was a Necromancer and also someone with the ability to turn into metal, and since she is not actually some dangerous Hairiyu being looked for the police or something, people actually sometimes follow and take pictures with her while she is standing still as a "Monument", having gathered a small following from which she enjoys spending time with.   Her other hobbies include hiking, camping, sitting or laying in the floor while taking the sun, and reading and studying about Zoology and "Anthropology". She doesn't have any pets.


Contralto voice register and a Turkish accent.


Georgina Jericho

Assistant / Friend (Important)

Towards Corvul Tadeo



Corvul Tadeo

Boss / Friend (Important)

Towards Georgina Jericho




Jericho was found sleeping on top of one of her Golems by Corvul Tadeo who was on an expedition to investigate a rumor about a couple of Lycans roaming their current area, he wanted to capture them to be able to study them. Corvul asked her for directions or any information regarding both Lycans and while she didn't know anything about it, she was more than gladly to help him out, stating that she did not want to take the chances of encountering them by surprise.   Since Corvul's Androids didn't manage to locate them, Jericho used her Golems to track them down to a small cave next to a river they had taken as a den, it took them two whole days since the area they were looking in was huge and ultimately they found that the couple had three cubs and that they were not able to turn back into their normal selves, Corvul explained that they wouldn't transform back unless they felt safe, and given the hostile environment, they were forced to stay as beasts to protect their offspring.   With the help of his androids, Corvul managed to capture them so he could take them into his own personal bunker to study them, Jericho expressed her concern over him taking them and never releasing them again, threatening to not let him take them unless he could prove that he would take care of them and release them as soon as they went back to normal.   Corvul then explained her his whole plan about the city he was building, being planned for species close to extinction wanting to take Lycans in as well since he considered that while they were not immediately endangered, they would be sometime soon due to the constant pursue from hunter groups that wanted to extinguish any trace of the Lycan bacteria from the earth.   Jericho actually agreed with his plan and offered him her help, stating that saving lives in the way he was doing was probably the way she could get over her guilt, wanting to redeem herself by helping him with the endangered species project.   Corvul did not want to include her at first and proposed to introduce her to his current employees in The Kraai asking them to include her into their armed personnel, and if she passed, he would personally ask them to transfer her to help him directly.   Accepting the offer, she soon was recruited by the Kraai and tasked with being part of the patrols that would defend their stations located in the city of Epristan, which she was kind of familiarized with after being stationed there during the war. While "patrolling" was her official job, she was also Corvul's assistant who could go to his aid at any given time he would need her to.   From that point onward, both of them would start spending more time together, getting to know each other and generate a certain level of attachment to each other.

Nicknames & Petnames

Corvul sometimes calls her "Geo"

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Mainly the exotic species survival project, then a need for both of them to have a friend and generally someone close to be able to talk to.

Shared Acquaintances

The Kraai

Wealth & Financial state

The Kraai pay Jericho for both her direct services provided to them and for being Corvul's assistant, aside from giving her a place of her own to live.   Even when she is not wealthy at all, she does have what it is necessary to survive and since she can actually live with very little, she has to save some money.   After working with the Kraai for a while, they got to appreciate her as one of their most important assets and have consistently increased her payment.
Year of Birth
1978 SG 32 Years old
Born in an unspecified city of the nation of Deregan.
Light pink
1.8 M / 6 Foot
Aligned Organization

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