Artificial breeding machine. Item in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Artificial breeding machine.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Made of iron on the outside and containing an artificial uterus on the inside made of carbon based fibers, this machine uses a magically enhanced device that is able to mix DNA of different species and artificially breeding any other species the user wants to create. To use this machine both an egg and a sperm from each parent is needed, it doesn´t matter if they belong to a mammal or oviparous species, then, a DNA sample of the desired species needs to be mixed with them for the resulting child to be born of said species. This process does not work with certain species like Micro Dragons, Griffins or Red Nose Reindeers.     it is worth pointing out that the use of this machine ensures there are no "Hybrid" Hybrids, and as redundant as that sounds, it means that this anthropomorphic animals will only have traits from humans and one single animal, they will never have traits from more than one animal, as doing so would eventually turn the whole population into some kind of deform monstrosity that has traits of several animals at the same time, which is a concept that this world will not explore.   Since for example, a Hybrid wolf would only be able to reproduce naturally with another Hybrid wolf and not with a tiger or a shark, this machine is kind of the only reason they were saved from extinction, since a bit before its creation by Galilei Von Cipher, the whole planet's population was around five or six generations away from going totally extinct.   There is a limit to how many generations can be produced with the machine, and to put an example, imagine the offspring of a wold and a tiger that is born as a bluebird, this bluebird is a "Generation 1", and both of its parents, that is the wolf and the tiger, are a "Generation 0", now, said bluebird then uses the machine to reproduce with a giraffe and have a hyena, this hyena is a "Generation 2" then this hyena uses the machine to reproduce with a shark and have a reindeer, this reindeer is a "Generation 3", problem is, that anyone born a "Generation 3" is unable to reproduce with the machine and needs to forcibly reproduce the natural way, good thing is that any Generation can reproduce naturally, so if a "Generation 3" has a natural offspring with anyone of their same species belonging to any generation, the result will be a "Generation 0" Which is basically the term used for people born naturally.   While Generation 1 is indistinguishable from Generation 0 at plain sight, Generation 2 and 3 have weird DNA mutations that make their hair/fur/scales/feathers change to unnatural colors, such as greens, blues, purples, pinks, reds, and such, although if they reproduce naturally with a Generation 0 or 1, the result will have the unnatural colors of the Generation 2/3 as a recessive gene that rarely appears, and the normal colors corresponding to their species as dominant genes, this ensures that the multi color population does not overtake the normal colored ones.   There is the possibility of a Generation 2/3 reproducing naturally with another Generation 2/3, this will cause the resulting offspring to be a Generation 0 that has a 50/50 chance of being born in their natural color or taking colors from their parents, if they do take colors, this will be categorized as a "Generation 0,5", this people can't give their colors to their descendants, and for any reproductive matters, they function exactly the same as a normal Generation 0.

Manufacturing process

The first one of this machines was created by Galilei Von Cipher around the early 1500's, he made it by removing the uterus of Spirit Malloye out of her body (She is a Vampyre, so any body part removed from her will grow up again if it wasn't cut with silver or with something that causes a burn of some sort, vampires can literally live as a disembodied head for decades as long as they were not decapitated with silver or by something that causes a burn) And putting it inside a device able to withstand huge amounts of White Energy that would mix DNA from two different species while mixing with a third DNA input that will determine the species of the offspring, this inputs can be repeated, and after all three are provided the artificial gestation process can begin.   It is worth mentioning that the use of a Vampire uterus in no way will make the result to be one, this was only made because their uterus could constantly regenerate and not dissolve after being exposed to huge amounts of White Energy.   Since there is a lot of energy involved in the artificial gestation, the process takes anywhere from 5 to 8 days to complete instead of the normal 9 months.   Due to the short amount of time needed, those who control the machines also control at which rate births are allowed to occur to avoid overpopulation or any other related problem.   Von Cipher's original machine was the only one to use an actual Vampire uterus, the machines that came after that one replaced it with a container able to withstand the White Energy.   Even though the specific manufacturing process is generally kept a secret, most hospitals around the world have at least four or five of this machines, and while some people have figured out how to build them, only authorized institutions are allowed to have them, any other individual who has one of them or that has created one themselves is punished with death penalty, the same goes for functionaries of said institutions that use it without having gone through the required process, institutions like the Dragon´s guild do not have the power to overrule that penalty.


Generic, it is now part of everyday life and its owned mostly by hospitals and health centers, it is they main method in which Hybrids reproduce if they are not paired with a couple of their own species.
Item type
Common, but holding and usage permission is only allowed for authorized institutions.
5x7 Meters 197x276 Inches
Base Price
Estimated to be around 50.000 Axes but it is not normally sold to the public, it remains mostly on the hands of hospital and health care centers.

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