The Kraai Organization in Detourverse | World Anvil
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The Kraai


While they do have a leader with an unknown identity, they operate as a cooperative, with the top ranks being assigned to one of the five nations and those having others beneath them to administrate smaller regions, much like the "Alliance" , they try to take control of a certain region, either it being a big or small city, a village, landscape or anything they find useful, the higher ranks are normally leaders of big Mafia groups, high military ranks, politicians, powerful Hairiyu people and overall some of the richest and most influential people in the world. Their elite group in case a direct confrontation is needed is named the "Battalion" and consists of four people, one Sorcerer, one Fairy, one Micro Dragon and an Android, all which are four of the most deadliest assassins and strategists in the known world.

Public Agenda

Their agenda is far from public and very similar to that of the "Alliance" , most of the planet do not even know of their existence, but overall, their main goal was obtaining enough influence to "Rule" the world as they wanted to infiltrate every government and the most powerful and influential organisations, then, establishing a strong line of defense for earth to be able to fight the future alien invaders back, wanting to access the "Vault" in order to get to their technology and weapons, study them, exterminating the whole Hairiyu population before they start another revolt against the rest of the population.


Being infiltrated in nearly every nation and organisation, they have almost unlimited resources with their only real concern being the "Alliance", a similar organization that opposes them and wants to look for a way to prevent the Hairiyu from being exterminated and somehow used against the aliens as well. The Kraai´s arguments for not wanting to get help from the Hairiyu are the constant wars and attempted revolts against the established governments all over their history, seeing them as powerful anarchistic individuals lacking any kind of structure and being overall harder to control than a Sorcerer or any other powered person.   They are also developing cyborg/android armies that they can directly control to fight the aliens instead of people with powers, the rival organisation agrees with that but it doesn´t stop them from constantly trying to overtake their part of the world´s power and eliminate them for good.   Aside from them, they have had some minor problems with small groups that do not side with either them or their rivals and that have been causing trouble to both but are secret and cautious enough to not be caught and eliminated by them.


They date back to the primitive times of the Hybrid society, back when predator species were mostly wild and where non predator hybrids would begin to show signs of rational organization, the Kraai was among those first organized groups, having its roots on the small village known as "Porto do sol" which was founded outside a human era facility where a group of hybrids woke from their stasis to find a world free of humans on the outside, this place is located in the current northeast Brasil, now part of the nation of Liyunem. Over the years, they expanded over some neighbor areas and established the "Kraai" nation, which was later absorbed into the Liyunem nation after a war against them, nevertheless, the remaining Kraai started to infiltrate not only this new nation they were part of, but they would also try to branch out and expand to other places as well, having been destroyed as a physical settlement, they slowly began to indirectly take control over the whole world, meeting in secret, being bitter about their defeat against Liyunem, they first took over their whole governmental system and after some years they grew in numbers and established themselves as one of the owners of the whole planet. When the Purple Material fell down to earth and Hairiyu people began to appear, their positions in power started to get threatened by this powerful individuals that caused havoc within their territories, going as far as trying to overtake some governments, and while the Kraai were able to eliminate them by forcing an individual they knew had a an alien weapon under their control, given to him by the same race that used and was aware of the Purple Material in order to eliminate every person affected by it. While this proved to be a success and having seemingly stopped the Hairiyu thread, they tried to seize the weapon but its owner managed to hide it inside an alien vault or chamber that had been locked with seven objects that worked as "Keys" to enter the place, ever since, they have been competing with the Alliance to get inside the chamber and take the Alien technology. On top of that, they also have been creating their own android/cyborg army to face the impending alien invasion.


They have infiltrated and control to some degree every nation on the planet.


Aside from the military forces of each country/nation at their disposal, they built an army of Cyborgs/Androids that only keeps growing as time goes by, they also started to branch out to reach the aid of sorcerer groups and the Dragon´s guild.

Technological Level

Much like the "Alliance" , they are at the maximum level of technological development having access to every nation, nevertheless, they have been developing their own technologies in secret such as experimental cyborgs, messing with various species´s DNA to create hybrids capable of matching the Hairiyu, developing many ways to modify and control individual minds to suppress any kind of emotion not necessary for a war confrontation.   Despite all of this, they are, along with the Alliance, responsible for the Earth´s expansion into a galactic era, where colonies inside the area of the solar system have been established, they even managed to find and get in contact with some other civilizations, they developed space travel ships and teleportation machines, created structures and defense mechanisms capable of withstanding any kind of outside attack, have collected a lot of information and technology from those alien civilizations they managed to contact and overall ensured that earth had a solid political, economical, educational, and military structure despite the corruption and criminal activity still occurring in the whole planet.   Still, they are always competing and trying to overtake the Alliance, which has literally done the same exact thing as them, with the sole difference being their exclusion of the Hairiyu.
Founding Date
Sometime before the year 0.
Secret, Government
Alternative Names
The overseers.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
The whole planet has an unified language and currency, here, everyone uses "Axes" which has a value proportional to the present day U.S. Dollar as of 2010.
Legislative Body
Each country has autonomy to create and enforce their own laws but the Kraai might force them to change certain things in their favor, it really depends on what they are up to, though they are certainly capable of writing any rule or law they want, this also applies to the judicial body.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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