"Unified" Language Language in Detourverse | World Anvil
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"Unified" Language

Writing System

It is a fusion between the Latin and Cyrillic scripts.

Geographical Distribution

This language is globalized, every person on the planet speaks it and there are no other languages available.   At birth, every new born has a microchip implanted in their brains which allows them to speak, write, read and comprehend overall everything made in the Unified language, being able to do so as early as a week of having been born. This chip also allows them to read and understand every language of the human era, a person without the chip that learns a human made language instead of the Unified can be understood by someone who has the device on, but if said person does not know Unified, they won´t be able to understand it unless they learn it or have the chip implanted.   Each region has an unique accent of the Unified.

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