Fairies. Species in Detourverse | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Physically identical to common hybrids, the only difference being that they have a pair of natural butterfly shaped transparent wings with some neon colored stripes and patterns attached to their back.

Genetics and Reproduction

While they can reproduce normally with other hybrids of their same species as well as using the artificial breeding machine, their abilities will only show up if their DNA is not mixed with a non fairy hybrid. It is worth mentioning that avian hybrid species can also be born with this extra pair of butterfly like wings on their back, having 4 wings in total, being considered one of the most weird creatures to currently exist, still, just like their "Winged Hybrids" counterparts, they are pretty rare, since most of them would rather not mix their DNA with avian species. Aquatic species can also have this mutation and be perfectly able to both fly, breath underwater,walk on earth, be able to change size, and heal, making the fairy sharks or dolphins the top wanted species to be enlisted in armies due to their high adaptability to all sorts of terrains along with their "Winged Hybrids" counterparts, on top of having the ability to become just a few centimeters tall and be able to use healing powers.

Growth Rate & Stages

They start growing their wings as early as two months old and can get to use them to fly around at the age of 4 or 5, the color of the wings and their stripes depends on their own fur or scale color.   The size altering ability comes into play as soon as they are born, babies can change to a smaller size by reflex, being just a few milliliters tall when doing so, they will eventually learn how to trigger the ability at will, the same goes for their healing power, with a newborn being able to use it as an instinct until they learn how to use it at will.

Ecology and Habitats

The same as common Hybrids, although thanks to their size altering abilities, some fairy communities and settlements inside very small, hidden and remote places have appeared, they prefer to stay away from other hybrids and stay around their own kind to avoid being exploited for their healing powers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They do not have the need to feed, and much like a Druid, they absorb their energy passively from nature, although they still have to sleep sometimes since they might use more energy with their healing powers than what they are able to absorb.

Biological Cycle

Their wings naturally fall off at the night before a new moon and completely grow back in just a few hours, being able to have them fully prepared for the night of the new moon. If their wings are cut or fall for some other reason at any other time, they will have to live without them until the next new moon. On the other side, during a full moon they are stuck with their minimum height for at least a week after being exposed to moonlight, this condition can be prevented merely by not being exposed to the full moon.   It is worth mentioning that they are immune to the effects of the Purple Material, thus, they cannot turn into a Hairiyu.

Additional Information


Same as common hybrids.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They are the most exploited kind of hybrid to exist, they cannot only fly and get into very small places, they can also heal and regenerate any kind of damage done to an individual, they are high demand in hospitals, armed forces and other similar groups, a fairy can expect to find a job almost anywhere merely by having and using their own abilities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found literally in any place, nevertheless, they do have their own hidden settlements around the globe, which are only accessible to them by reaching their minimum height, this places can be anywhere from a forest, jungle, snowy peak, under the sea, among other locations.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The same as common hybrids, difference being that they can naturally fly and change size, either to a "Normal" height or reduce it at will, their limit on the lower end is just to be around 7 to 10 centimeters tall and on the higher end is a "Normal" height that depends on their species, aside from that, they have natural healing powers, being able to give some of their energy thanks to their innate magic abilities to restore or regenerate any kind of damage caused to someone.   Their wings are fluorescent, with the colored stripes serving as the source of light, they can trigger this effect at will to either produce or stop making light.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Pasaku Homo Hybrid
Normal Hybrid DNA Mixed with Druid magic.
Conservation Status
They are a minor concern, since they can reproduce normally with other hybrids as well as using the artificial breeding machine.
Average Height
Their minimum height is around 5 to 7 centimeters, while their maximum is the same as a common hybrid.

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