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Sanabor Island


Island in the middle of the Rhynmouth estuary. Two strands of the magic weave are crossing here, so it is a place of strong magical power.


Right in the middle of the island one of the very rare Sanabor Trees is growing. It is the centre of strong healing magic. The well on the East side of the island provides water that is refreshing to both body and soul of every living creature. The whole island is teeming with trees, shrubs, flowers, insects and small animals, such as rabbits.

Localized Phenomena

The whole island seems strangely untouched by the seasons. In Summer, there is always a cool breeze and the trees seem to be able to shield the grove from the worst effects of the heat. In Winter, the cold never turns bitter, and snow and ice melts earlier than anywhere else in Rhynmouth.   The Sanabor Tree follows the seasons at its own pace. It never looses its blue leaves throughout the year. In Spring and Summer it flowers with beautiful white blossoms and in Fall and Winter it carries golden berries.
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