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Shadow Blood

Shadow blood is a thick, black substance formed when a Fae being is corrupted by Chaos Magick. It usually appears as black cracks along the skin. The second shadow blood touches the air, smoke appears to be rising from it.   Rogue Alpha Ignatius Williams was the first to learn of such a material. When a fae prisoner was brought to him with such markings, Ignatius took blood samples and began experimenting with it. After some time, Ignatius fused it with a Werewolf, thus making the first warsworn in existence.  

Author: Ignatius Williams
Subject: Experiment Logbook Entry #?
Date: Month Day, Year


The fae has responded well to the Chaos Magick runes. They have new growths forming on their body, similiar to crystal clusters. Yet, these leak a black sulfiric acid. Intrigued by this, I cut into this fae to see if their blood matched the acid. To my amazement, it has! This is one step closer to being the supreme Alpha of this world!

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (craiyon)

Quick Facts
Common State:
Liquid; tar
Related Species:
Warsworn Hybrid

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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