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Empire Royal Titles

Title/Rank Form of Address Introduce As
Emperor / Empress Your Imperial Highness / Majesty His Majesty, the Emperor
Her Majesty, the Empress
Crown Prince / Princess Your Highness His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of...
Her Royal Highness, the Crown Princess of...
Prince / Princess Your Highness His Royal Highness, the Prince of...
Her Royal Highness, the Princess of...
Duke / Duchess Your Grace (By appropriate title) Last Name
For Example:
Duke Dabion
Duchess Dabion
Earl (Count) / Countess Men: Lord (last name)
Women: Countess (last name)
(By appropriate title)
For Example:
Lord Egerton
Countess Egerton
Viscount / Viscountess Men: Lord (last name)
Women: Lady (last name)
(By appropriate title)
For Example:
Lord Wodehouse
Lady Wodehouse
Baron / Baroness Men: Lord (last name)
Women: Lady (last name)
(By appropriate title)
For Example:
Lord Lancaster
Lady Lancaster
Raven Senate Senator (last name) Senator (first name, last name)
Mr.(last name)
Mrs. (last name)
Miss (last name)
(By appropriate title)
For Example:
Mr. Shona
Miss Shona
Peasants/Serfs Mr. (last name)
Mrs. (last name)
Miss (last name)
(By appropriate title)
For Example:
Mr. Ulter
Miss Ulter
Exotic Pets Pet
Exotic Pet (number/barcode)

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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