The Uprising Military Conflict in Cyberfei | World Anvil

The Uprising

The beginning of it all. The conflict which changed the world entirely.  

Prelude (The Initial Uprising)

For a month before the New Year of 2015 (Pre-Broadcast), strange phenomena began to take place worldwide. Lights dancing in the sky like giant fireflies and searchlights; rapid plant growth which broke through concrete and covered entire buildings, even in snowy cities. A strange static electricity lay in the air and a feeling of general unease fell over the people. Then, The Broadcast was released. The fae called for recognition and political power, and many countries began a vote to decide if those demands would be met -- whether that vote was inside their governments or filled by the people. World leaders were given six months to come to their final decision.  

The Uprising

  When many countries chose to reject Fae presence, riots were sparked. Fae and their supporters rose up against the governments who would not grant them peace -- and the governments responded violently. It began as a series of protests and riots and quickly became an organised pushback, forming factions and organised powers across the world.   In those countries that managed to maintain peace, the Alliance was slowly formed. Negotiations were held between Qealin ambassadors and Human lawmakers until aggreements were come upon to create a stable economy that both humans and fae could thrive in. The credit system was formed, and society progressed into a more high-tech, magic-filled harmony between nature and manmade structure.  

The United Kingdom

As many countries did, the United Kingdom received the Broadcast to all active radio and television channels nationwide. While the government and news agencies were initially hesitant to confirm the phenomena as anything more than a covert group of hacktivists, after several months of protests in which fae and humans united in attempts to force the government's hand, and with the General Election of May 2015 finally over, it was officially confirmed that the Broadcast had been legitimate and an emergency vote was called.   Though the vote was largely torn, with much results coming at only a percentage difference, the result of the vote was to deny the Elves' demands.   Almost immediately, protests erupted across the country -- especially in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland whose population largely voted for alliance. Many protests and marches were also held in various cities across England, but especially in London where the primary pro-alliance population of the country resided. Small riots broke out as the government pushed back with arrests and aggressive crowd-control tactics, and soon a small group of Qealin were able to take Canary Wharf by force, displacing those who lived there but offering safe haven for those who would support their cause: the first Alliance settlement within England.   The Government retaliated aggressively. Behind the scenes, a group of fae were assisting anti-fae military in developing weapons that would actually be effective against the Fae, and the aggresion grew fatal. Riots broke into all-out war and the city was evacuated. At approximately 8-9 months post-Broadcast the city centre had been closed off, walled and cleared of Fae influence, marking the first Cleansed settlement in the country.  


As Australia's place in the Cyberfei world is still in early stages of development, it is currently considered Indie Lore belonging to PJ Artama, a community member. To use in your own concepts or stories, please join the Discord and speak with them directly.   Elves revealed themselves openly within Parliament House in Canberra and across the nation. This did cause much confusion and chaos. However, unlike Britain, Australia managed to maintain relative civility and tenuous peace through these unprecedented times.   The Australian Elves, led by the Qealin Ambassador of Australia, Ormathos Paziren, decided to stick to diplomacy and peaceful negotiation with Humanity instead of initiating a forceful takeover like their British Kin would do after their country voted. It took a lot of effort, patience, and several talks with the Australian Government for the Australian Fae to ensure their intentions for peace were genuine. With the Elven Council’s demand of 6 months to decide, a mandatory nationwide census was hastily issued by the Australian Government. During the process, the worldwide media coverage of the Uprising started to incite protests and riots in the streets of the major cities. Many people, including many Indigenous Australians, and other equality activists fought for the Fae to be a part of the nation, while other conservatives and anti-fae groups rose up to oppose them.   When the census had concluded the majority of the country was in favour of the Fae being granted rights and privileges. However, it took several months to a year after the census for an equal rights law and political representation law for Fae citizens to be established. The House of Representatives (Lower House) and the Senate (Upper House) had to go back and forth for a while, incurring a double dissolution until bills for both laws were finally approved by both houses and finalised to be brought before the Governor-General who then approved it as law.   On the day the laws of Fae Rights and the allowance of the Fae’s presence within Australian Politics in Australia were introduced, The Governor-General, Opposition Leader, and Prime Minister, alongside Ormathos Paziren, all made speeches and decrees live to the nation. Thus Australia from then on became a prominently Alliance-based country.
Start Date
6 Months PB
Ending Date
4 PB
See: History of the Uprising
2015 Fae Alliance UK Referendum
Map of Referendum results by region


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Aug 5, 2021 14:10 by Dimitris Havlidis


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