Shield Hall of Tir-Aegis Building / Landmark in Creation | World Anvil

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Shield Hall of Tir-Aegis

At a Glance

  The Order of Tir-Aegis establishes its organizational headquarters in the heart of the Guild Ward, an imposing edifice known as the Shield Hall. This remarkable structure, encircled by training courts, is enclosed by a formidable ten-foot-high fortification on all sides, resembling a compact fortress. The distinctive choice of location within a Ward traditionally dedicated to commerce sets it apart, garnering both admiration and scrutiny. At each of the four corners of the wall, sentinel towers rise slightly higher than the protective barrier. These vigilant outposts are perpetually staffed, with their guardians maintaining a watchful eye on the bustling street and ensuring that no unauthorized individuals breach the compound's defenses.

Main Gates

  The grand gates, towering and fashioned from robust iron, stand ajar during the Order's operational hours, allowing entry to the primary building complex and its reception area. Steadfast iron-bound doors usher visitors into a reception space, with two unadorned meeting chambers flanking either side of the hall, where prospective clients receive their welcome. As one proceeds down the corridor, a perceptive observer will discern that this area was initially constructed as a fortified and easily defensible position, with security in mind from the outset.
  Draven Fireheart the Vanguard of Clients maintains a public office here with an ever rotaing staff of one Warden and six Shields. They serve as the reception for new clients presenting an example of the Orders members. This also gives Draven a chance to impart the finer qualities of awareness and social tact or sometimes the art of shutting one's mouth and opening one's eyes. After a new client interview Draven tests first the Shields on what they observe followed by the Warden.

Main Complex


First Floor

  Most of the first floor is taken up by the large common room, in essence an entire tavern to be enjoyed only by members of the Order. In general, the leaders of the Order understand how important it is to keep morale up, and so keep the common room stocked with the best food and drink. In this way they ensure that Order members spend their time at the Shield Hall, where they can fraternize and create strong bonds with each other.   The few other rooms of the first floor are for storing mundane items. Overseen by competent quartermasters, these rooms serve as armories, food storage areas, and more.  

The Basement

  The first floor is linked to the basement through a single stairway at the entrance hall. To describe the basement as a single floor would be an understatement, as it is more akin to an extensive network of interconnected rooms and hallways far bigger than the first floor – in fact, the Shield Hall’s underground portion extends underneath some of the surrounding city blocks.   Most of the basement is used for storage purposes. The armory and food storage rooms found on the first floor pale in comparison with what can be found down here, with some rooms entirely devoted to preserving old weapons of the Order, mostly as keepsakes.   Of course, this is also where items of a more precious nature can be found. Hidden behind enchantments and a myriad of locked doors, it is here where the Order’s supply of magic items can be found, as well as their considerable vault, which houses much of the Order’s wealth.   Finally, there are also tunnels that lead to secret exits from the Shield Hall, to be used only in case of an emergency.   Keeping all of these rooms and hidden places in order requires quite a lot of skill, of course. Apart from dozens of custodians, the Shield Hall also employs Warden Sergeants, people responsible for maintaining the area’s security and keeping everything up to date and up to standards.  

The Second Floor

  The second and final floor of the Shield Hall is mostly reserved for offices. Each captain active has their own, and there is also a meeting room for when they need to make decisions together and deliberate on matters. However, most captains are not usually found here – some are always away escorting a caravan, while others prefer using their headquarters in the Wards they have been assigned to look over. Even so, a handful of captains are always present, especially the ones whose responsibility the Guild Ward is.   While the second floor is decorate to make visitors – and especially prospective clients – feel welcome, this is a compound. As such, there are dozens of hidden arrow slits and traps just waiting to be activated in the event of a siege or something similar.   Finally, the second floor is also where Tir’s room is. While the person behind the face of Tir is unknown, they do have a room on the second floor, from where they can run the operations of the Shield Hall and the Order.   Although this room exists, it seems Tir prefers to conduct business from afar, rarely showing up at the Shield Hall and attending to matters through letters and intermediaries. Even so, there have been times where a captain has been summoned to Tir’s room to discuss something – although how Tir got into their office and how they got out without anybody seeing them is a matter of much discussion and gossip in the Shield Hall.  

Training Grounds

  The training courts that surround the main complex flanking it on three sides. It is here that members of the Order practice, with every member expected to keep their skills sharp. The training courts are clearly divided into several sections for close combat and one for archery.
  The training grounds are the purview of the Thaldric Warstrike the Vanguard of Training. He runs his training courts and schedules like a well oiled machine and woe to those who disrupt his well planned routines. Thaldric cycles in a variety of Wardens to assist with training as needed and to keep the Wardens sharp.
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