Farobia, the Green Goddess
Goddess Farobia
"I am the brave ones, I am the ones you fear."
Work In Progress (if deity, goes above Physical)
Divine Domains
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Tenets of Faith
Divine Goals & Aspirations
(Deity)Physical Description
General Physical Condition
wordsIdentifying Characteristics
Facial Features
Body Features
Physical Quirks
Special Abilities
Apparel & Accessories
Specialized Equipment
Early Life
Accomplishments & Achievements
Failures & Embarrassments
Mental Characteristics
Intellectual Characteristics
Morality, Philosophy & Taboos
Personality Characteristics
Savvies & Ineptitudes
Personality, Quirks, & Vices
Religious Views
Social Aptitude
Wealth & Financial State
Family Ties and Contacts
Divine Domains
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The wind.
A leaf.
A spider.
A Badger.
The South-East and the North-East.
A green trio of triangles, each bearing a primary symbol of the gods of Wind, Forest, and Shadow.
Tenets of Faith
There must be someone willing to be brave, for fear to exist.
Courage unbound by Wisdom is relentless crusading.
Courage unbound by Power is relentless foolishness.
Fear unbound by Domination is meaningless.
Fear unbound by Secrets is without a purpose.
I like the tenets and the somewhat circular nature of the first two. She seems a bit of a nature god, but I'm unsure as to any more specifics than that. Why is she worshipped by her followers and Wood Elves? What has she done for them, or what stories do they tell that lead to her continued adoration?
All of the gods of the Elven Pantheon are actually facets of nature, actually. I had gone with the idea of fears and trying to live with your fears, and since many common phobias are natural in nature (spiders, insects, the dark, the dead, etc.) And the wood elves are elves who love on the woods (and some other fuzzy undefined stuff as of this writing), so they seemed like the most likely to be devout to her, as what better way for say an arachnophobe to say they are brave, than to live in the woods where giant spiders live? She also has a Champion whose soul is believed to be reincarnated, but always to a Wood Elf. Most of this is still raw from the source of inspiration - Legend of Zelda's Farore, Goddess of Courage - but I was starting to hit some writing blocks and figured I should toss this up for commentary. Thank you for yout comments and for helping me move along!