Dragon Hunts Tradition / Ritual in Corive | World Anvil

Dragon Hunts

From the way RANKNAME Theorin could predict when that flying lizard was going to dive down, I just knew he had to have seen this before. When he shouted the warning, there was a tone in his voice that I only realized now had to have come from that experience of losing someone before.

I do hope that is not how the Order handles rank promotions.

- journal excerpt from a younger Order member
  Dragon Hunts are a dangerous task entrusted only to the Order of Speared Light for over a thousand years. Armed and armored in specialized Dragon-Slaying Equipment, the Order would patrol Theydim for signs of draconic activity.  


After the Adrakian Empire fell, Dragons were hunted down by the Thydian Rebels in order to prevent their hard fought freedoms from being stolen again. Eventually, one group turned the hunts into a successful practice with the highest rate of extermination than the other groups, who fell into local politics instead. The group became The Order of Speared Light, and solidified their place in Thydian society as dragon slayers.   The last known Dragon was hunted down and slain several centuries ago, and with it, the Order's power declined.  

From Dragons to Dragon Cultists

In the thousands of years since the fall of the Empire, the Order hunted down remnants of devout worshippers following the Adrakian Pantheon. As the number of dragons fell, the number of hunts for cultists rose until the only cultist activities were rebellious teens trying to shock their well-to-do families or impress each other.  

The Dragon Slayer

Whoever deals the killing blow to the dragon is granted the title of Dragon Slayer, regardless of if they were or are a member of the Order. It is one of the few title-like surnames that will not be passed down.   Members of the Order are obligated to provide aide to anyone who carries the title of Dragon Slayer - and are recorded as a Dragon Slayer. It is easiest if the Dragon Slayer were a member of the Order for verification, but non-Order members were more begrudgingly assisted.
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Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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Oct 6, 2022 11:04 by Tobias Linder

Hunting dragons seems like either a fool's folly, or just downright a dick move :P

Oct 6, 2022 22:20 by Lyraine Alei

"From a ... certain point of view" *nyehehehe*

Lyraine, Consumer of Lore, She/Her, primary project: Corive